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The last time she sleepwalked, Scott’s dad was the one to find Stiles. But this time, no one is looking for her, because it’s the dead of night and as far as all her friends know, she’s still tucked up in bed. And Melissa is out on a sleepover date, so not even she knows of her “guest’s” late night walkabout.

Except – not that she has the conscious functions to realise – Stiles isn’t alone now. There are two following her, one leading and unseen to the other (or to any other that isn’t her), while the other follows carefully at a watchful distance as not to crowd her.

And while Stiles is unconscious, the nogitsune doesn’t even give the wolf a second glance. The nogitsune only sees Stiles right now, and the wolf would not be a threat to him, even if they did see one another.

He leads to her to nemeton, and she goes beautifully, no questions asked. That is, until she’s finally standing before it with her hand half raised above it.

“Can’t... I can’t...”

Yes, you can.” The nogitsune tells her.

Derek scowls as he watches her closed eyes screw even tighter shut and her head shaking furiously as she trembles slightly.

He keeps back for the moment, doesn’t know whether to try to wake her or not. He really wants to, because he can feel how terrified she is, but he also knows how disorientated he could make her, how much worse he could make things altogether. He simply continues to watch her.

You’re the only one strong enough.” The nogitsune tries to sweet talk her.

“I won’t.” Stiles grits out, and Derek feels her anger – is proud because he feels her resistance.

The nogitsune scoffs, almost sounds annoyed, but seems to cover it with amusement. “You will.” He tells her, more promising than threatening, “Or I will just keep killing until I am free again.”

Stiles shivers, recoils from the voice.

Derek takes a step forward when he hears her whimpers, but stops himself from taking any more.

The nogitsune sighs, relents only very slightly as he tells her, “It’s just one little spell to set me free now, and I promise, I will spare your beloved pack...”

Stiles almost believes him, almost fucking agrees to help him... again! But no, the anger she suddenly feels with herself is enough for her to finally wake up.

Derek is frozen in both awe and a little fear when Stiles’ eyes snap open, and instead of seeing those lovely amber eyes of hers, he sees her eyes glowing brightly with the palest blue light. He takes another step forward, stops when he sense she’s in no danger, instead, feels the raw power emanating from her entire body.

No.” Stiles grits out, glaring at her own pale face as Void Stiles glares back at her from across the nematon. She keeps her eyes on his, narrows them in defiance as she slowly lifts both her hands over the tree stump.

“Don’t!” The nogitsune snarls angrily, eyes widening for a split second.

Stiles notices, smirks dangerously at him.

As Derek’s own eyes burn golden, he uses the sight of his wolf half to see the glowing pale blue aura around Stiles’ form. Like a moth to flame, he feels drawn, simply can’t look away at the beauty of it; at the beauty of her. She really is, he thinks, the most perfect creature he’s ever laid eyes on.

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