Chapter - 10

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Senara stands before the closed door, her heart filled with dread . Her hand that she raised tremble slightly as her hold on her luggage tightened. Albeit tired she didn't dare to enter the house that she had grown up in, she stand before the door full of hesitation and unwillingness.

She take in a deep breath,however, the air ladened with moisture obstructs her breathing . No matter how beautiful or luxurious this house looked its glamorous appearance do little to nothing to hide the hollowed core and the lights being brightly lit was of no use either, seeing that it was unable to illuminate the dark path of house. No matter how gorgeous it is, for her it's still nothing more than an empty shell, that is filled with festering maggots.

Knock.. knock.... after waiting for awhile with baited breath a beautiful woman with amber eyes opened the door , with a neat bob cut that make her slender neck stand out. The skin around her eyes and lips had wrinkled a little, however this does not affect her beauty on the contrary adding to it, her eyes cold and dull like she had walked through life and had seen things too clearly and was thoroughly drained .

She glanced at her daughter that she had not seen for a long time with scrutiny . There was no love for the person before her in her eyes , the coldness in her eyes does not lose to the chilly wind of the night in the winter. They seem more like a stranger than a mother and daughter, Senara looked down hiding the bitterness in her eyes.

She moved back a little, Senara entered the house quietly whilst avoiding any physical touch knowing that she abhorred her touch.

The sound of her footsteps was especially harsh in the quiet house  making her flinch slightly , she dragged her suitcase across the house producing a strident sound. Her pace noticeably faster than usual like she was running away from something that she was scared of deeply , nonetheless, she didn't dare to run for the fear of angering the person abaft her .

Senara sigh in relief when she reached her room . When she opened the door that had been closed for a long time an unbearable memories flashed before her eyes , making her hesitant to enter it, she seem to hear a insistent shouts of anger in the yonder. The mouldy and putrid smell convey a word she already knows way too well, no one had never even bother to open the window or clean up to welcome her.

She looked at the old dusty bed that had not even move an inch for the past years, the spider webs that covered the ceiling and the window frame. Her curtains were torn and dusty, an obvious sign that the mice had feast on it to the brim .

She opened her window after much difficulty, trying to let the putrid odor fade . With an exhausted smile she resigned herself to fate, changing out of her clothes in a more comfortable one she busied herself. She remove the old draping of cloth around her bed , making the dust that had accumulated over the years fall on the ground, she cough while getting down to get something to cover herself with.

She removed the sheet from the bed keeping them all in the remote corner of the room to be thrown out later on. She sweep the webs of the spider and the floor trying to make it atleast liveable for the night. She yawn tiredly not even having the chance to rest since she arrived, she is aware that her mother would not be so lenient as to give her another room , she just had to make a do with it . After she managed to clean the room to some extend the sun had already sink behind the mountains.

Senara enter the bathroom to wash up, she walked carefully and entered the shower that somehow was in a much better situation than the rest when she opened it. On a second thought, it's not that surprising that the mice are unable to enter it as she kept it locked .

She tested the water in the shower for awhile, she waits for the water to run clear of the tiny insect while cleaning the glass walls quickly.
She take a quick shower and went out.

After getting herself dress, she went down to the dining area seeing that it was already 6 o'clock to have dinner.

She walk down the stairs, silently hoping that it never end. However, to her bitter disappointment it eventually end. She walked towards the two people dining on the table , except for the clicking sounds of the cutlery against the plate and the shuffling sound of clothes it was silent, so silent that it's suffocating for her.

She sits down quietly at the right side of her father, her father don't even do as little as to look up. What a warm welcome, she had long grown accustomed to her parents' indifference. Nevertheless, she can't seemed to get rid of the lost that she felt. This is also one of the many reason why she decided to keep her relationship secret, she also don't want Mallory to know them or vice versa .

She really wanted to question why they suddenly asked her to come, it's just that she didn't have the courage to do so.

After dinner, she quietly retreat to her room. She lays on the bed that still gives off a somewhat unpleasant smell while watching the ceiling . She felt her eyelids become heavier the passing second and soon fell asleep.


Senara was awaken by the sounds of the a glass shattering, she sits up quickly feeling her pounding headache and a dry throat.

Before she had the time to compose herself , another of the glass shattering woke her up from her reverie . She puts on her shoe and left her room, she leaned quietly against the wall seeing her mother shouting angrily at her dad who was laying on the couch with countless bottles littering on the ground .

Her father only let's out a soft grunt to reply to her mother's yell, that seemed to enrage her further , seeing as how her face was increasingly red.

Senara question why? Why do they stay together if they hate each other so much? It will be the for the best if they go their own way, what's the use of persistency when there was nothing that is worth rescuing or stubbornly holding onto? Her father would not stop his extramarital affairs and the scars of his betrayal would not fade either.

They hurt and torture each other because of their stubbornness, wounding each other , along the way they have also manage to thoroughly wreck her. It's like an endless circle, when she thinks that it's finally ending it would start all over again, and that new circle would forcefully dragged her along the cycle.

Suddenly, she feel like the four years old girl quietly hiding behind the wall , trying to reduce her presence as much as possible so that it would not be known whilst insistently questioning why they were always like this, hoping to stop them but not knowing the way to . She was not able to wrapped her young mind around how the adults' complex brains work or how the twisted world function, she blamed it on her young age then , however she is still unable to understand it till now .

Even in her earliest memories she can recalled that she was never like the child her age or act like her age. Not that she doesn't want just that she can't afford to , she can't be willful like her friends cause no one would be there to put up with it , she can't be picky about what she wants to eat either because no one would be there to coax her to eat. When she fell and hurt herself, she never cry or shed a single tears , the grandma next-door would praise her for being sensible at such a young age. Unbeknownst to her, she had really wanted to cry at that time as the pain was really unbearable . But, she didn't , she was painfully aware of the fact that she had only herself in the world . And no one would be there to patch up the wounds for her at home .

She keenly knows that she can't be like her friend Marnie, who can cry whenever she wanted to and her parents would always be there to wipe her tears. But, her tears would summon no help, even if she cried an ocean , till her tears run dry no one would respond . So , why waste tears when there will be no one to wipe it?

Author's note...

I said that there will be no update this for awhile now, but, I got bored 😗. So, I wrote it.

Date : 27.Oct.22

Time : 1: 55 A. M

If you guys haven't noticed I try to use some Archaic Dialect 🤣. I'm still quite bad at it though .

Hope you enjoyed!

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