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vance went to his locker expecting to see bruce again and greet him. except bruce didn't end up showing. he was absent.

this reminded vance of when they were in grade 7, at the age of 13. vance went to find bruce in the hallway so they could talk, but he didn't find him. vance was worried of course, bruce never missed a day of school. when he got home his mom told him that he went missing riding his bike home from the baseball game yesterday. luckily they found bruce, he had made the gallesburg grabber unconscious by hitting him with a rock. the grabber was named albert, and he's still in jail to this day. but there's a possibility he'll escape and find his way back. that's the thing about murders, they get addicted to it like alcohol.

'hey mo—' vance walked into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner, and a surprise guest was waiting.
     'i'm almost done supper, why don't you two boys go out and hang?' she said all 'cool mom' like.
     'yeah, ok,' vance said as he went outside having bruce follow.
     once they were outside sitting on the front door step with light jackets on vance finally asked bruce the question he'd been dreading to ask.
     'what are you doing here?' he blurts out.
     'vance i know we used to be close, and we aren't anymore.' he begun. 'but i know you don't have a sister, we've hung out a few times on weekends, after school, after my games. i've never seen you with a girl that looks similar to you. you even told me that you were an only child once.' he explained. 'so i need you to tell me the truth,' he took out the envelope from his jean pocket. 'who wrote this lett—'
     'me!' vance lets out. 'oh my god i've been trying to tell you but i don't have the guts to because i'm scared of my feelings. look bruce, i do like you, but you'll most likely never like me. i act cocky, i know, but honestly i'm a big softy. yeah that's right! make fun of me as much as you want, but i—' vance swallowed. he looked down at bruce since he was standing up. his hands were in fists. he went back inside his house leaving bruce outside in the autumn air.
     'i do like you though,' he stood up. he clenched dropped the note and swallowed hard. his tears fell into his mouth, making him taste salt.

     'where's bruce?' his mom — caroyln — asked him.
     'he had to go,' vance took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen.
'so soon?' she asked.
'it was urgent,' vance lied as he took a bite of food from his plate. caroyln knew that wasn't the real reason but she didn't want to admit it.
     'alright then,' she sighed.

     'bruce, where were you?' his mother — camilla — asked worriedly. her hair was black and a little grown out from ear length, her eyes were brown and her lips were pink and thin.
'i went to vance's..' he mumbled.
'vance? you mean that violent kid from your school?' his father — george — asked. he was muscular and had black ear length hair with the same brown eyes as his wife, as well as the thin pink lips.
'that was ru— yeah.' bruce admitted.
'well, ok.. go do something while i finish making dinner,' camilla insisted.
'ok ma,' he said as he ran up the stairs. he flopped onto his bed, and shut his eyes letting the darkness take over his vision.

word count; 602
i have so many short chapters in this book 😥

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