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save us time and place
with your matrimony slathered
in rhymes of perfect ruin
left on a ballroom floor

such terrible beasts must ye be
to let such righteous powers ignite
in face of a falling regime
hast it be the low of my wind

better yet come cross the road
painted with lines of red
words left unsaid so she had
crepted upon delusion

suck the marrow from my loins
so vicous a blood run on
into legions of brothers left alone
with no sex to give them home

fight upon marble like lions
as lovers say their goodbyes
becoming captives in ruin
oh ruin such the lights

hungry are you to be
these monsters in who are god
die tonight in such sorrow
that peace be a dream atop

if not humanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang