pure electra

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my mother met tomorrow at 26

my father felt grace at 29

my great-grandfather felt his age

and my cuts shown through

the first years of life

began at fourteen

with a spark lost in my eyes

from the dry cut of life

i often wonder if my words

are too open and alone

it seems so when i look

at complacency on my arms

but they feel alive in them

the people i love so dearly

that death couldn't keep me

from meeting them again

my lover so tender they are

with my bones and summer skin

all worn down to the rough

they make it feel tonight

my friends, forever ago

we are but a connection

beyond the will of any god

and may we meet in valhalla

i met them in power

and succumbed in my love of them

to a final resting place

in their hearts and minds

to max, levi, riley

to all who see me through

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