cherry conversations

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of all the gin joints in georgia

you are here tonight with me

dancing with silent silhouettes

there's a hope gleaming my eyes

a shine and a want

that you will see as dull

our breath ties in knots

heavy as our heart's content

strangling our souls forever

the skin is cold and pale

ghostly in a way

to the touch of our hands

i remember beautiful pinks

softcore and lovely more

when we dances with each other's soul

the embers of your burning hair

like a fire in its magnificence

slowly moving in the gleam

and the touch of your hand

it is so smooth and moving

electrifying my bones and soul

a voice on an angel it was

like the etudes of Joseph himself

that sung me to sleep

it is faint in our hearts

the beats are calm this time

and we can't feel together

i remember cherry conversations

so sweet i could fucking die

but now i really want to

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