untitled love song

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you haven't fell in love since your father died

and the moon turned away from your eyes

the tips of your fingers have never touched me

while i have never seen you naked

gripping the bed sheets in a thunderstorm

you let me sleep next to you

i let the sun in through the blinds

that was the the day when my great-grandmother died

sacred words written on the chapel's wall

her lips cold from her mother's winter

it is not her anymore i suppose

celestial carcass on our love's open fire

the door is still half painted from before

we woke up when he told you he loved you

so the night came up earlier than i did

and she will never love me again

perfect people with their happy faces

i still pace myself in the graveyard

the cross is worn from the decay

and i washed my dress pants this mourning

come down from your clouds my dear

before icarus reaches eternal light

the piano keys are forever stuck there

in the end i found happiness in our death

i still keep that old bottle of your perfume

on the nightstand we used to share

the sun will rise in the early morning

but it will never wake your eyes shine again

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