orange juice (love song)

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i have a dog that bites my ankle

when all i want to do is sleep

on a bed that deflates by 3:47 in the morning

and the panels cut into my back

it gets hungry at night

it means my doubt

it wants everything from me

and all i needed was to sleep

crying upon my seeded lament

like a stroke even when you have no heart

pulling strings to be alive for once

it's spilled milk on the hardwood floors

the panels hurt too much to bare

bruises on the spine in a clouded mind

so the hands move in the slow silence

the getup to the end of the night

i lumber to the kitchen to find myself

open doors to open doors to open doors

in the dark came a soft light

the distant reminder of time

open the refrigerator, shock of flash

eyes will adjust to tomorrow

cold in a flowing river to my skin

so sweet was the edge of my eyes

i grab the carton of orange juice

great things come to those who cry

so i will sleep in the sweet

for now it's just a drink

a drink in the midnight heat

indian cornflowers will grow in me

become the last resent of your father

it's what i wanted to be

citrus stings the back of my throat

sweetness in a tang of a dream

a chokehold on the dilluted angels

keep this in your pocket for me

it was fun to sleep then

drink of choice till you die

but i don't when i am with you

when i was with you

the bites of the dog start to bleed

it was mortal before we knew

like american pornography, it is lonely

holy ghost machine with a summer dream

i want to sleep

with glass in my feet

please can i believe

that it was you, before me

so i will go back to the bed deflated

thirsty still from my mind's drought

to my eternal tomb will it be forever

without remorse, still bleeding

goodnight my dream of life

while the dog still bites me

tomorrow will be forever for me

on the love that still deflates

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