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" ...and remember to take Q to get all of their supplies." Dazai had been playing video games during Mori's long tedious speech about what he should and shouldn't do in Diagon Alley, but this made him look up from his game. His head snapped up.

" What!?" He said.

Mori sighed. " I said that you have to take Q with you to Diagon Alley so they can get their supplies." 

" But-"

" No buts Osamu, it's their first year. You can hang out with your friends later." Mori said exasperated. " I'm giving you extra money for them. This is your sixth year. I expect that you are responsible enough to handle it for them. Or there will be consequences." The threat was obvious. And effective. Consequences from Mori were far from pleasant, and never painless. That's one thing Dazai despised. Pain. Especially from Mori. " Be back by nine on the dot." It was ten in the morning, so Dazai figured that he would have some time to spare. 

Dazai and Q were not Mori's actual children. No, Mori had adopted both of them from a young age to reflect positively on himself. He desperately wanted to be headmaster of Hogwarts, so he made Dazai, Q, and Yosano seem like a charity case. Yosano was Mori's other adopted child. Fortunately for her, she got a scholarship for Beauxbatons. Dazai was jealous. Beauxbatons had a longer term, and Mori didn't happen to work at the school. Unfortunately for Dazai and now Q, Mori was the Potions Master. Dazai almost shuddered to think about what Mori would do if he were the Headmaster. The school would be dedicated to working with the Dark Arts. Dazai knew Mori would kill for the position. 

Q tugged on Dazai's arm, snapping him from his thoughts. Their creepy doll smiled unsettlingly. " C'mon." He grumbled and led Q through the barrier to Diagon Alley. The second they stepped through it they were bombarded with every color of the rainbow and more. Witches and Wizards were crowding at storefronts, the back to school sales seemingly more important than their lives. This was not Q's first time going to Diagon Alley. They had gone with Dazai and Mori several times in the past, but this was their first time actually getting supplies for Hogwarts. They were bouncing on their toes and looking from one store to the next like an excited puppy. Dazai was on a lookout for Oda and Ango. Especially Oda.

" Can we get a wand first?" Q asked excitedly. They were just outside Ollivander's. Wands took the most time to get, so they probably should get that first. 

" Sure!" He said with an obvious fake excitement. Q kicked him in the shins. They grabbed his hand and skipped inside with a grumbling Dazai behind them. The shop was dusty and smelled like mildew.

"Yumeno Kyuusaku, I was wondering when I would finally see you." Ollivander was, to say the least, very old. His white frizzy hair made him look like Albert Einstein. He was very unsettling to Dazai. Maybe it was the fact that the man had no concept of personal space. " I gave both of your parents their wands. Willow, twelve and a half inches, unicorn hair core, for your mother yes? Very flexible. Perfect for charms. And for your father, Oak, eleven and a quarter inches, dragon heartstring core. Both wands completely opposite. Well, I guess opposites attract." He laughed at his on joke.

Dazai almost felt pity for Q. The kid was close to tears. Their parents died in a freak accident when they were four, they have no memories of them. Mori was the closest thing they ever had as a father. 

A magic tape measure emerged from somewhere in the rickety shelves. The shelves were slanted at an angle and wand cases were all over the floor. In the muggle world, this place would not be up to code. 

" What's your wand arm?"  Ollivander asked Q. Q was unsure for a moment before saying, 

" I'm right handed."

The tape measure wound it's self around their arm. Ollivander took the measurements and headed off into the shelves. Q was back to bouncing in excitement.

" Don't get to excited." Dazai said. " It takes a long time to find the right wand. Sometimes even years. To a few unlucky people, they miss all of their years at Hogwarts because they can't find the right wands. Sometimes people are here until they die. I hear Ollivander stashes their bodies in the walls. I bet you in that wall right there," Dazai pointed to a wall in front of them." There is a little kid who was so excited to get their wand, but never came out of the wand shop ever again." Dazai said with a smirk.

Q looked horrified.

Ollivander returned with a stack of wands nearly as tall as Q. He picked the wand at the top and gave it to Q. " Well, give it a swish." He said while gesturing to Q. Q waved it and a flowe pot exploded on his desk. Ollivander snatched the wand away. " No, no, that wont do." He mumbled to himself more than Q. He gave Q another wand. They waved it and the impossibly crooked bookshelves fell in on themselves. The cycle continued for another hour. By this time Q was getting frustrated and scared, and Dazai was annoyed and bored. Very, very bored.

After what seemed like an eternity, Q finally waved a wand and a shimmer of purple sparks showered from the tip. By this time, the wand shop was in shambles. Wands were thrown haphazardly all over the place, shelves were tipped over, vases were shattered, all in all, it looked like a tornado had swept through the shop.

" Finally, a perfect fit. Birch, ten and three quarter inches, dragon heartstring core. Very powerful." And then to himself, " especially in the dark arts." A shadow passed over his face, but in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Q was bouncing on their toes again, enthusiastic that they had gotten a wand.

As soon as Dazai payed for Q's wand, they left. They walked down Diagon Alley and picked up more supplies for themselves as they went, the only detour being that Dazai had to stop at the new joke shop. It had just opened. Dazai brought his enchanted bottomless bag and stuffed it with enough joke supplies to last him the whole year, and didn't even spend any of their supplies money. While Mori wasn't paying attention earlier, Dazai swiped his wallet and used that to pay. Only one more stop to go. They stopped at a crowded bookstore." Flourish and Blotts." They sign said out front. Dazai beckoned Q inside. The small store was packed wall to wall with people. Dazai had to hold on to Q because they had a habit of running off in crowds. They were almost finished getting their spell books when Dazai saw familiar black hair raised just behind a book.

" Ango!" Dazai yelled and ran over to his friend. Ango was one of his oldest and only true friends, despite Ango being a 7th year and being in Ravenclaw while Dazai was a 6th year in Slytherin. " Have you seen Oda?" He asked enthusiastically.

" Oda is exchanging his muggle money for wizarding money, we were going to meet up at the ice cream shop when he comes back." Ango said adjusting his glasses.\

" And you didn't invite me!?" Dazai said with a dramatic sigh, feigning hurt. Ango rolled his eyes. 

" You don't have to be in Ravenclaw to know you were going to show up, whether we wanted you to or not. Who's that?" Ango asked, pointing at Q, who had wandered up to Dazai.

" That's Q, Mori's other ward."

" How many children has he adopted?" Ango wondered.

" To many." Dazai groaned. " He put me in charge of getting Q their supplies, it's their first year." Dazai said.

" Well it's sure going to b an interesting one." Ango said.

Dazai cocked his head. " What do you mean by that."

Ango shook his head. "Mori really doesn't tell you anything does he. Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year. Its the first one in centuries." Dazai's eyes widened.

" You mean a wizarding competition to the DEATH!? Oh the creative ways I could die." Dazai started to go on a rave about magical ways to commit suicide. Ango never understood the appeal death had on Dazai.

Yeah, this year would be interesting.

Bungo Stray Dogs and Harry Potter CrossoverUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum