Fyodor- 2

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All the information I have on Durmstrang is from the wiki. That's where I got all the uniforms, houses, and classes. The houses for reference are Wolverine, Soscrofa, Ucliena, and Vulpelara. All of the teachers (minus Shibusawa) are from the Harry Potter universe according to the wiki. Note: Odazai is already going on while Fyolai and Ranpoe are more slow burn. There are about a hundred conflicting pages about Durmstang and Beauxbatons so I'm using what seems to be common thing about them, but I don't think anything is canon.


Fyodor waited in bed, eyes still closed, not wanting to get up and face the world. He just wanted a peaceful morning, it was Saturday after all.

Nice mornings don't exist when your roommate is none other than Nikolai Gogol.

Nikolai had the bunk above him and was tying a fake spider to a string. He leaned over the railing and slowly lowered it over the allegedly sleeping Fyodor. 

Fyodor peeled his eyes opened and suppressed a groan. " Nikolai, please take your fake spider somewhere else." He said, not even looking at the clown.

"Oh, but Dos-kun, I saved this one just for you!" He said with a dramatic sigh and the bed above him creaked, suggesting that he collapsed backwards.

" Dos-kun." Fyodor remarked. "That's a new one." Even though Fyodor couldn't see him, Nikolai nodded his head enthusiastically. There was a sharp rapping at the door to their dorms.

" Who is it?" Nikolai called in a sing song voice.

" It's Alexander. We all are supposed to meet in the mess hall in ten minutes. There's going to be an important announcement." Alexander called from behind the door. Fyodor mentally cursed himself for forgetting. " You need your uniforms.".

" Why am I never aloud to sleep." Fyodor mumbled to himself. Nikolai clapped his hands.

Fyodor, with much effort, pulled himself out of his soft, warm bed, and into the chilly dorm. He grabbed his warm uniform and quickly put it on, making sure his ushanka was straight, while Nikolai got dressed. 

" Uhhh, I hate these uniforms, they're so itchy. And it's Saturday! We don't have to wear them on the weekends." Nikolai complained. Nikolai has always complained about the uniforms first thing in the morning, without fail. Fyodor would never admit it, but the red jacket looked looked really good on Nikolai. Fyodor shut that thought down as soon as it entered his brain. They were friends. Best friends. He would not let stupid feelings compromise that.

The uniforms were simple. Brown pants, brown shirt, black shoes, and a blood red jacket lined with fur for the colder weather. Which was about everyday. A black belt tied it all together. Both boys headed down to the Great Hall. Their dorm room was on the third floor, as was all of their house, Wolverine, and the house Vulpelara. They passed several students wearing their uniforms, no doubt heading to the same place as they were. They walked down two flights of stairs until they got to the Great Hall. 

Nikolai and Fyodor took a seat at their table with the rest of their houses. The big green banner of a wolverine, their house animal, was directly above them. Students were filling into the mess hall, most still half asleep. The teachers too were barely conscience. Nikolai and Fyodor were mostly quiet as students filled the tables. At precisely 9:00, Headmaster Shibusawa Tatshiko took his place at the podium. The room fell silent at once. 

He cleared his throat. " This year Hogwarts has decided to revive and host the Triwizard Tournament. As you should know, the Triwizard Tournament is a competition between Durmstrang, Hogwarts, and Beauxbatons. One witch or wizard from each school will be picked at random to compete in a series of brutal challenges resulting in one winner. He, she, or they will bring honor to their families and school. And 1000 Galleons Unfortunately, we cannot bring the entire school with us. We will have a series of challenges in each class for any of those who wish to enter the Tournament. Only the top students will earn a trip to Hogwarts for the year and a chance at the Tournament. The trials will begin at noon today. If you wish you compete, meet your respective head of house in their respective class rooms." Shibusawa finished. 

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