Chuuya -9

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A/n: Heyyyyyy it seems I'm back. I've been in a severe depressive slump and have had no motivation to work on this or my own original novel. But I'm forcing myself to write so I actually finish this. Please leave kind comments, they are my main source of motivation. Anyways, back to the shit show.

Chuuya was on top of the world. He had been chosen by fate or whatever higher force in the universe to compete in a grueling competition. And the best part? He was against the bandaged freak. He could shut him up once and for all. Also, that Durmstrang boy that was paler than a sheet of paper. Chuuya was not intimidated.

Oh, how he could not wait to crush them. And the look on Kajii's face when he wasn't chosen was priceless. Chuuya was very confident in his odds. Chuuya, an athletic, strong, talented wizard, against a twig with anemia and a twig that looked like a mummy. What could go wrong.


The next day he got complimented so much, his ego had grown to the size of the Empire State building within a couple hours. All of a sudden, he was being hit on by girls and guys alike. He quite enjoyed the attention. Sigma however, was sick of it. He was thrown into the spotlight with Chuuya, being that they were roommates and good friends. during breakfast, Chuuya pulled Sigma to the side.

" Sig, the prize for this competition is insanely large. I don't need all of that money. So, maybe we could work out a deal of some sorts." Chuuya whispered to him. That got Sigma's attention.

" Well, spill!" He whisper yelled back.

" If you get close to that kid from Durmstrang, then I'll split the sum. If we want to win, then we need people on the inside. I share some classes with that Dostoyevsky kid and he's quite intelligent, so he might be hard to fool. But the strange kid that always hanging onto his shoulder looks more likely to let some information about the challenges and strategies slip." Chuuya said as he smirked.

" So you want me to spy on them?" Sigma clarified.

" Yes, please, it would be a great help." 

Sigma looked across the Great Hall at the 'strange kid' Chuuya referenced. That said kid was stuffing himself with food while chatting with several people, using large hand movements to express himself. " You owe me for this." He hissed. 

Chuuya pat his friend on the shoulder. " Thank you so much. This has to remain between us, or we could get into trouble." Chuuya said. Sigma nodded in understanding. They could get disqualified, or worse, expelled if they were caught spying, which was a form of cheating. 

Both boys worked out a deal that Sigma would get thirty percent of the pay cut if Chuuya won, if he lost, he still had to pay Sigma for the inevitable emotional trauma that hanging out with the strange clown would predictably ensue.

They both went their separate ways as classes started, Sigma to Care of Magical creatures, and Chuuya to Potions, meaning he had to deal with the bandaged bastard for forty-two minutes straight; to put it simply, hell.

Chuuya went through the rest of the day quite smoothly, except for math ( that damn Durmstrang prodigy was showing off his advanced knowledge, aggravation Chuuya) and finally came the point that Chuuya was most looking forward to. Quidditch. 

For all who don't know, Quidditch is a Wizarding sport where each team has four Chasers, two Beaters, one Seeker, and one Keeper. It has three balls: The Quaffle, which is used to score points. The Chasers pass this ball around while flying on broomsticks, attempting to score a goal, the Keeper for the opposite team is the goal keeper, much like soccer (football). Depending on which of the three goals the quaffle is scored in, points are awarded.  The Bludgers are two cannon ball like objects that fly around the court, trying to knock people off of their brooms. The Beaters carry bats and hit the bludgers away from their team and into the opposing team. The snitch is the most important ball. It is a small metal ball the size of a golf ball that flies around the Quidditch pitch at a very fast pace. The Seeker attempts to find and catch the snitch. When the snitch is caught, the game ends and the team that caught the snitch is awarded one hundred and fifty points. 

Chuuya was one of the most fearsome chaser in all of Beauxbatons. He seldom misses a pass or a shoot. Ever since is first year he's been obsessed with the game.

Chuuya marched out to the Quidditch pitch. As the captain of the Quidditch team, before the journey to Hogwarts, he hosted tryouts. He looked at his team. He was a chaser, along with Yosano, Kajii, and Mark. His beaters were Bram and Aya and his keeper was Kouyou. His seeker was Margaret. They stood in a circle and kicked off the ground, causing them to be lifted into the sky with their brooms. They hovered in a line in front of Chuuya.

"Today we will be doing a brief scrimmage to sharpen our skills so we can beet the Hogwarts teams, there are four of them, one for each house, and the Durmstrang team. We will dominate!" That got a clap from the team. " Now will split you into teams so you all can practice all positions." Chuuya pointed at people and split the group in half. He smirked. " Let's play."

A/n: Sorry that that took so long and is so short. I haven't read the Harry Potter books in a while so I apologize if I got any of the facts about quidditch wrong. If I missed something, please let me know in the comments. As always, please leave requests for a specific ship that you wish to see more of. Have a good day/ night!

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