Dazai- 4

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A/n: Wow another chapter? So soon? I know. Mostly a filler chapter. Warning: Dazai being an asshole to Akutagawa, per the usual. Also, Elise is a spell that Mori made. Also, very long chapter.

Dazai waited at platform 9 3/4 with Q, Mori, and Elise. The platform was way to over crowded for Dazai's taste, you could barely move without knocking into someone. The sky was a light blue, contrasting with the scarlet red of the Hogwarts Express. 

Dazai awkwardly shuffled through the crowd, hoping he could ditch Mori and find a compartment for his friends. He had already stolen Mori's wallet for snacks. 

He pulled the heavy trunk behind him and clutched the cage of his pet owl, Shuuji, close to his chest. It didn't help that Q was clutching onto his pant leg, prohibiting him to move properly. After ten minutes of moving through the thick crowed with a petite eleven year old clutching onto your leg, they finally reached a door to the obnoxiously red train. Seriously, it doesn't need to be that red. Dazai made the mistake of thinking he had finally lost Mori.

" Dazai, were you and Q thinking of leaving before saying goodbye to us?" Dazai froze and spun around. Mori stood their with a little blond girl by his side.

" It's not like we wont see you in a few hours, old man." He retorted. Mori frown. The little blond "girl" who goes by the name Elise, mirrored his frown.

" I'm the only one that can call Rintarou that!" The brat yelled. She stomped her foot clad in shiny black shoes. You see, Elise is not a real girl. She is a spell that Mori created to look an act like the woman of his dreams. Dazai gagged thinking about it.

" Now, now, my dear Elise," Mori said. " No need to cause a scene." Elise huffed and went back to glaring at Dazai and Q. " And as for you, Dazai. It is rude to leave, even if only for a few hours, without saying goodbye." Mori looked at Dazai dead in the eye. Dazai stared back as if to challenge him.

The train whistle blew, signaling the train would leave in five minutes. Dazai grabbed Q by the hand and walked up the steps, having already put their luggage inside.

Once on the train, Dazai let go of Q. " Go do whatever. Makes some friends. Or don't I could careless. Just leave me alone." Dazai said to them and turned away, walking down the hallway and leaving a heartbroken Q behind him.

It took a few minutes, but Dazai found the compartment in where his best friends, his boyfriend, and his dog and sister were.

Dazai, being the over dramatic Dazai that he is, swung open the door and yelled in a singsong voice, " I'm baaaack~" That cause a sigh from Ango, a noise of surprise from Poe, a smile from Oda, and a startled look from Akutagawa and... mini Akutagawa. A female version with eyebrows and no bleached tips.

He locked eyes with her. " And who might you be?" He asked her.

" She's-" Akutagawa started.

" I didn't ask you Ryuunosuke." Dazai said in a cold voice. The little girl looked up at him.

" I am Gin. Ryu's little sister. This is my first year here." She said so quietly Dazai had to lean in to hear her.

" Well first years aren't aloud in this cart. Your lucky we keep your brother around. Now go." Dazai put ice in his voice. Gin made the right decision to move to another compartment. Akutagawa looked furious but stayed quiet, his unhealthy hero like worship of Dazai winning over his protective instincts. Oda looked exasperated at his boyfriend's antics. he would definitely say something later.

Dazai's mood turned from icy cold to happy and bubbly in an instant as he walked over to the seat next to Oda and curled into his side. " So, how has every one's summer been?"

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