Fyodor - 5

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A/n: Another update? A foreign concept. I am not happy with that last Fyodor chapter at all, I hope this redeems it. This one's for all the other Fyodor simps out there. Happy holidays to all, and if you don't celebrate anything this time of year, happy random December day. I changed my username to Infra_Scarlet.

The Great Hall erupted with cheers at the end of the Hogwarts Headmaster's speech. Fyodor had been observing all of the students at the table nearest to the Durmstrang table ( Snakeskin or whatever). And another student had seemingly doing the same to them. Fyodor and the boy had been trying to analyze each other, read as much as possible in the small timeframe, until the blonde girl across from him had covered his line of sight. 

Over the years, Fyodor has become an expert at drowning out his best friend's rambles about someone he had pranked or a girl he had kissed. 

Fyodor got annoyed when ever his friend talked about a girl. He could never figure out why.

The Great Hall was a massive as it was magnificent. Floating candles lit the ceiling, floor to ceiling windows allowed  the light of the moon to filter into the giant room. Headmaster Shibusawa stood next to Natsume and near Rimbuad. They stood over the crowd of children like Kings would over their subjects. Powerful and menacing. 

Food of every shape and form appeared on the tables, some of it familiar to the Durmstrang Institute, and some foreign. Nikolai, predictably, pounced on the food. It mystified Fyodor of how one could eat so much but still be as thin as a twig. 

Nathaniel cleared his throat loud enough to alert the surrounding students, but Nikolai, being Nikolai, continued to stuff his face with familiar and foreign foods as if there was no tomorrow. Fyodor picked at his food. He was to busy psychoanalyzing Hogwarts and Beauxbatons students. He watched as a short redhead in a fedora shook with fury at a brown haired boy with a bowl cut holding up a lemon. 

The rest of the meal was uneventful. The Great Hall was filled with light chatter as dinner wrapped up and the plates were filled with desserts. Nikolai seemed to make it his mission to try as much food as possible. Fyodor observed the blonde who was back at irritating Hawthorne. 

Soon enough, the students were rounded up like cattle and sent in various direction, most likely to their house dorms. Outside the Great Hall was a large circular stone room. In the middle was the Goblet of Fire. If you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, there would be a chance at being selected for the Tournament. 

The Guide, whom Fyodor didn't bother learning the name of, stopped. In bad Russian he said, " If you wish to enter the Tournament, write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the Goblet.

Fyodor smiled and stepped up, to no one's surprise. A few others did too, including Nikolai.  He wrote his name on a yellowed piece of paper and dropped it into the Goblet. Blue flames erupted around it. Other students from different schools walked up as well. He saw the brown haired boy among a group of Hogwarts students. They surrounded the boy, trying to convince him to drop his name in the Goblet. He seemed to deny their requests, which soon turned into demands.

" Dazai, Dazai, Dazai, Dazai!" The chanted. The boy, Dazai Fyodor assumes, finally seemed to give into the peer pressure, though Fyodor could tell that he was planning to put his name in the Goblet anyway, he was just humbling them. He wrote his name and put it into the Goblet, looking directly into Fyodor's eyes, like he could see his soul. Fyodor stared back, refusing to be the first one to break eye contact. There was something....dead about his eyes though. Like he was mechanical, no emotion to be found. There stared for what seemed like hours. It felt as f time had stopped. But in reality, it had only been seconds.

 One of Dazai's friends, a tall boy with shaggy unruly bangs that fell into his eyes steered Dazai back into the cheering crowd. 

The short redheaded Beauxbatons stalked up to the Goblet with a scrap of paper which presumably had his name on it. Fyodor watched as he stood on his tip toes in order to place the name inside. 

Dazai saw this and laughed. " Aww, I thought first years weren't aloud to enter the competition.

The redhead abruptly turned around and looked about ready to slug Dazai. " I'M SIXTEEN THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" He yelled. Nikolai burst out laughing. 

Redhead turned to Nikolai. " YOU FIND THIS FUNNY!?" Nikolai kept laughing like the clown he is. 

" Yes, yes I do." He said. Fyodor felt an urge to reconsider his choice in friends. A tall redheaded woman walked out from behind a corner. 

" Five minutes." She said in a deadly tone. " I can't leave you alone for FIVE MINUTES. Seriously, Chuuya." She scolded.

" B-BUT," Chuuya pointed to Dazai who appeared to be having the time of his life, " HE STARTED IT." 

" But you were stupid enough to rise to the bait. You both are to blame. Now come." She pointed her light brown wand at the door. 

Chuuya lowered his head and slowly walked out, not without scowling at Nikolai and Dazai. He sulked out of the room. 

Fyodor and the rest of the Durmstrang students were brought through the winding castle and back to their ship, which is where they will be staying.

"Your schedules will be handed out tomorrow morning at breakfast in the Great Hall. Now good day." The guide said and left. Fyodor walked with Nikolai back to their shared compartment. It looked similar to their dorm back at school. It had a bunkbed, Nikolai slepted on the top bunk and Fyodor on the bottom. 

Fyodor had already organized his belongings, while Nikolai's stuff was in a suitcase on the floor. As per usual. Nikolai was not fully unpacked until at least December. It annoyed Fyodor to hell and back, but he put up with it for the sake of his friend. If he wanted to loose things by being so careless, he could.

Both boys slipped into their pajamas and laid down in their respective beds. They made small talk until they drifted off to sleep.

A/n: Ok, I wrote this around Christmas ( December is hecktic where I live so I had no time to update) and I was editing it when Wattpad decided to delete nearly the entire chapter ;). I had to write the whole thing from memory that's why it took so long. As always, please leave positive comments, I will be 10000 times more likely to update sooner! I also changed my user name to Infra_Scarlet.

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