Chuuya- 3

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A/n: Sorry for the long wait if any one is reading it. I've had no time and no motivation, along with sever writers block. Please comment positively, that gives me more motivation. Also, needed information to clear up any possible confusion, this is not shipping Kouyou and Chuuya together. This is a sibling like relationship, in this they and Kyouka are adopted siblings. Also Tw for cursing bc it's Chuuya. For reference, Hogwarts is in Scotland, Beauxbantons is in France, and Durmstrang is in Russia.

Chuuya was in a bad mood to say the least. First his idiotic roommate Kajii woke him and his other roommate Sigma up because he was practicing Explosion spells at THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING. And if that wasn't enough to ruin his day, Mark Twain had bumped into him and spilled his coffee all over Chuuya's uniform. 

You can't really blame Chuuya for throwing him against the wall.

And that is how he got in this situation.

Sitting in front of Headmaster Fitzgerald having to explain why he assaulted another student with physical force. 

For the third time this week.

" I'm afraid Mr. Nakahara that this is your third strike this week. You will have detention tonight starting at six p.m. ( 18:00) and ending at 9 p.m. ( 21:00). You will meet Professor Verlain outside the trophy room. There is an announcement at breakfast, I suggest you clean yourself up before attending. You are dismissed." Headmaster Fitzgerald said while looking at Chuuya's formerly white but now with a big brown coffee stain shirt. 

Chuuya was twitching in anger. Why did he have to get detention for getting payback! He's seen Kajii do worse to someone and Fitzgerald and Verlain turn a blind eye! Both of them had a weird fascination with him. It honestly creeped Chuuya out. He was a muggleborn nobody from the slums. The best explanation Chuuya had on why they hated him so much was maybe he mugged someone close to them during his street kid days. Before he met Kouyou.

Chuuya stomped down the halls and up the stair cases to his shared dorm. He swung open the door and angrily stomped inside. The dorm was a light green with white accents. There was a large window overlooking the Quidditch pitch and one bunkbed and one stand alone twin sized bed, along with storage space for personal items and clothes. 

When the door swung open, Sigma who was tying the light blue ribbon around his neck as part of the uniform, jumped back three feet. After seven years of sharing a dorm with Chuuya, he knew to steer clear of Chuuya when he was raging and mutely agree with everything he said. Chuuya was fuming and his normally light blue eyes looked red and menacing in the light. He was loudly ranting about Fitzgerald giving him detention. He had a massive coffee stain on his shirt, one that didn't look like it would wash out without magic.

Chuuya pulled off his shirt and rummaged through his drawers to find a clean one, nearly impossible for a sixteen year old boy. Chuuya quickly put on his uniform which consisted of a white button up, a light blue blazer, grey slacks, and black dress shoes that matched perfectly with the leather gloves he always wore. 

Chuuya was still grumbling when he and Sigma walked down they extravagant hallways that never failed to amaze Sigma. The fancy chandeliers dangled down from the tall ceilings glittering like diamonds. The patterned blue walls gave off an almost under water like feeling. 

The boys walked into the great hall and sat next to their other peers in the house Bellefeuille. The shimmering green banner of a leaf above them glittered almost making it look ethereal in the early morning light. The Hall was filled with pleasant chatter as the students dug into their meals.

Chuuya was ranting about Fitzgerald to Sigma. " And what's with that awful tie? That thing is a crime. And he has five billion coats on all the time. It's not even cold outside! Is it purely stylistic? If so, than it is awful." Chuuya vented.

" Says the guy in the black fedora." Kajii said. That made Chuuya snap.

" Listen here you good for nothing bomb making bastard-!" 

" Chuuya, there staring." Sigma whispered to him. Indeed the hall was silent as students from every house judged them. Chuuya gave one last huff and collapsed into his seat like a child.

Headmaster Fitzgerald was standing at the balcony over looking the students, that is why everyone was quiet. Fitzgerald sent a thankful look at Sigma for calming Chuuya down.

He cleared his throat, using magic to make his voice project. " My wonderful students of Beauxbatons, I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts will be hosting this years Triwizard Tournament. Please hold your applause. We have been formally invited. Several students will be chosen at random. The higher your class scores and the better your all around behavior for your school career has been, will get you a higher chance at winning one of the spots."

" Why did I feel like that was directed at me." Chuuya mumbled to Sigma. He got an exasperated sigh in return. 

Fitzgerald used his wand to project a holographical image above him. He waved his wand and a students name appeared. He read it.

" Akiko Yosano" A girl a year above him exited one of the tables. Fitzgerald motioned for her to stand up on the balcony. She was one of the smartest kids in the school and was training to be a healer.  Many  students in her year had told Chuuya not to fuck with her or he will never live to tell the tale. Another name appeared.

" Ozaki Kouyou" Chuuya stood up and gave a very loud applause. He was so proud. His older sister, his Ane-san, had a chance at the tournament. She was Yosano's only rival for intelligence and Kouyou was a force to be reckoned with when duelling.

" Izumi Kyouka." Fitzagerald said. Chuuya cheered loudly for his little sister. This was her second year, she was eleven. 

" Mark Twain." Chuuya was back to being pissed.

"Sigma Sky" Sigma was gaping like a gold fish. Chuuya nearly had to smack him out of the daze. He clapped for his best and only friend.

" Motojiro Kajii." Chuuya fought the urge to boo.

Several more names were called, none of any significance. Finally the final name was called.

" Chuuya Nakahara" Now that was a one in a million shot. He got up and took a place with his sisters and his friend.

" These honorary students will be representing our school at the Triwizard Tournament. The prize, 1000 galleons." 

Oh HELL yes. Chuuya thought.

His year just go a bit more interesting.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. Again, comments keep me motivated to write so please comment if you enjoy!  

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