Chuuya- 6

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A/n: ANOTHER UPDATE??? I know, I can't believe it either. I have been fighting through severe writers block and I told myself 'screw it, just wing it' so here we are. Again, please leave positive feedback and you will get more frequent updates.

Kouyou pulled Chuuya by the ear until they were in a separate hallway. She had that disappointed look only an older sister can have on her face.

" Do I need to employ Sigma to babysit you? You are sixteen Chuuya, not  a child, and yet you behave just like one." She raised an eyebrow.

" Bu-but he-" Chuuya started.

" No. I don't want to hear it." Said, effectively cutting the shorter ginger off. He crossed his arms, but continued behind Kouyou as they walked to where they would stay. They passed through the impossibly confusing stone arches all around thee school, Chuuya had yet to find a map of this place.

Chuuya and Kouyou, after several minutes of silence only disturbed by their foot steps, finally arrived at the Beauxbatons carriage. The carriage was under an undetectable extension charm, meaning that it was much bigger on the inside than it appeared from the outside. Chuuya sulked to his dorm. He walked inside. The rooms were light blue with golden stripes on the wall paper. There were two beds on opposite sides of the room facing each other, next to them stood white dressers. 

Sigma was already busy unpacking, he claimed the left side of the room. Chuuya's bags were set against his bed in an organized way. Sigma's lavender and white hair was loose around his shoulders, fringy bangs scattered around his forehead. His snow white cat, Cassie, was winding her way in between his feet. Chuuya had a great horned owl named Sheep, he was in the owlery ( which in the morning he would search for) with the other owls. 

Chuuya sat down on his bed with I huge sigh. Not even a day in and he had an enemy. He was going to show that punk who was boss soon anyway. The chocolate haired man may be taller, but he is a twig, one Chuuya could snap in seconds. He had almost gotten expelled from Beauxbatons several times because of fights ( he won. Every time.).

Chuuya wondered if they had quidditch here. He had, after all, been the best chaser on the team. His teammates claimed that he had a cannon for an arm. When he was flying, it was almost like he defied gravity.

Chuuya unzipped his bags and began setting up. He put the pictures of Kyouka and Kouyou right above his head. His two sisters were smiling and happy, sitting in a field full of flowers. He hung up some more photos and carelessly shoved his uniforms into the drawer, not caring if they would get wrinkled. As the night drew on, Chuuya and Sigma settled down to sleep.

Chuuya dreamt of strange men shouting and a vivid red glow that seemed to come from within him. Then black.


Chuuya woke up to Sigma shaking him, as per usual. Chuuya was not a morning person. 

" Fuck off." He grunted and turned around to avoid the harassment.   

" Well unless you want to starve until lunch, I would suggest waking up." Sigma replied dryly. Chuuya grumbled and sat up. He grabbed his blue uniform and slid it on. Sigma, already dressed for the day, stood waiting by the door. This was usual. Sigma being prepared and Chuuya being slow. 

Chuuya groaned and entered the petite bathroom to change into his blue school uniform. He placed his trademark fedora onto his head. Sigma was tapping his foot impatiently for the entire time. 

Chuuya finally was ready, his wand placed in a hidden pocket, and his books in a bag slung haphazardly over his shoulders. He marched out the door, Sigma hot on his heels. They exited the carriage and walked into the blinding morning light. Chuuya froze and covered his eyes with his hands at the unexpected sunlight.

" It's too early for this." He grumbled to himself. The sun was reflecting off of the enormous lake, creating double the amount of light.

" Move." An annoyed voice sounded from behind the pair. Chuuya spun around to see another Beauxbatons student with pale white hair dyed a fiery red at the tips. The boy seemed to be round Chuuya's age, maybe he was from another house. His eyes were shut tight and he wore a disapproving expression.  " Are you deaf? I said move." The kid snapped. Chuuya was brought back into reality with the harshness of the boy's tone. Chuuya begrudgingly stepped to the left with Sigma, creating space for the boy. Chuuya recognized that voice. He had heard it many times in detention. He couldn't remember the boy's name for some reason ( Joe, Jay, something like that, he couldn't be sure.) The boy, whatever his name was, sauntered past the pair and began walking toward the dark grey castle.

" What was his problem?" Chuuya grumbled.

Sigma shrugged. " He's never been the nicest. I had charms with him last year." Sigma explained. Chuuya was in a higher grade charms class because it came very natural to him, especially levitation charms. Both students trudged up the hill and into one of the many, many, entrances into the castle ( seriously, where was that map). They followed the general flow of students from all different schools into the Great Hall. Owls were flying all over the place, dropping small gifts and letters into student's hands, presumably from family and friends. They walked over to the table where they ate last night and sat down. Kouyou soon joined them. They ate a variety of foods, both familiar and foreign. Teachers were walking around and handing out schedules and such.

The older Hogwarts teacher, the one with a monocle and long grey hair, walked up to the group. 

" I am Hirotsu Ryuurou, your transfiguration teacher." He introduced himself. He handed each of them a schedule and moved to the next group of students. Chuuya looked at the piece of paper. It read:


Period 2: potions

Period 3: Transfiguration

Period 4: Math ( Chuuya hates math)

Period 5: Literature

Period 6: Lunch

Period 7: Charms

Period 8: Dueling

Period 9: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Period 10:Care of Magical creatures

Dinner started at 6 P.M.

From across the room, the living mummy from yesterday was complaining loudly bout his schedule. He seemed to particularly hate that his potions class was second period. Chuuya was not one to fine happiness in people's misery, but he was quite happy that the bastard was unhappy. Then he realized: he also had potions second period.

" Fuck!" Chuuya nearly yelled. This was going to be a very long year.

A/N: I'm going to do this thing where if you comment that you want more of a ship ( only the ones on the disclaimer, though I am adding Suegiku bc I love them) I will take a small break from the plot and write tooth- rotting fluff for a chapter. Please place your requests at the bottom of the chapters. As always, please leave positive feedback, I really appreciate it when people do. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/ night. 

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