Dazai- 7

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I hope that up dates will be more frequent, but I've been working on my own projects and have had no time at all lately, but I'm back.

Dazai stared down at his schedule in dismay. He had potions second period. How was he supposed to function at 9:30 in the morning for something as difficult as potions. Dazai doesn't do badly in school, quite the opposite actually. He has the highest GPA in the grade, even surpassing the Ravenclaws. He just has to make sure he has enough energy to taunt Mori, who teaches potions. It brings an unknown feeling of lightness just making Mori feel miserable.

Dazai complained loudly about his schedule. The contents of his schedule included


Period 2- Potions

Period 3: Defense against the dark arts

Period 4: Literature

Period 5: Math

Period 6: Lunch

Period 7: Charms

Period 8: Dueling

Period 9: Transfiguration

Period 10: Care of magical creatures

Dazai leaned on Oda, who had sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast, and complained. " Odasaku, it's to early for potions." He pouted. " It's only second period!" Dazai felt a pair of eyes drilling into the back of his head. He turned around to see the ginger garden gnome looking more pissed off than ever, so much so that his face was nearly as red as his hair. He loudly cursed than looked away. Dazai grinned. He was going to have fun with this one.

Oda brought him out of his thoughts by leaning over the table to grab a cheese filled Danish off of a plate. This caused Dazai to fall off of his shoulder and on to his lap.

Dazai sat up quickly and got his revenge by taking a bite out of his boyfriend's pastry. Oda just sighed and rolled his eye's good naturedly before tousling Dazai's hair. 

" I guess you just have to deal with it." Oda said. Dazai whined and shoved his head into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

" Whoa whoa whoa guys, make sure it's PG, there are children in here." Higuchi said, partially covering Q and Gin's eyes. Q had sat at the table for the sole purpose of irritating Dazai, like any younger sibling. Akutagawa was sitting protectively near his little sister. Poe was on the other side of Dazai, his pet raven Lenore perched onto his shoulder.

Dazai pulled himself from Oda, nearly losing his balance and almost hitting Poe, who flinched so hard that Lenore squawked and launched herself from his shoulder. They were quite the crowed. 

Soon breakfast was over and everyone was heading to their next period. Dazai sulked off to the dungeons for potions. He knew he had potions with the Beauxbatons and Gryffindors. As he was walking down the spiral staircase, a Gryffindor boy who was slightly taller than him and a lot more filled out with a wild brown haircut that left two longer pieces to fall over his shoulders walked up beside him, presumably going to potions. Dazai recognized this person as the Gryffindor quidditch captain, Tecchou Suehiro. The school's golden boy.

Tecchou hurried past him and into the potions classroom. Dazai sat outside the room until he heard the bell ring, and waited a few minutes afterward. He couldn't come into potions on time, it would ruin his reputation that he spent ages creating. After a good ten minutes, he flung the door open and walked in with a dramatic flare. 

" Hello professor Mori!!!" Dazai said in an exaggerated childlike manner. Mori simply sighed.

" Just take a seat, Osamu. And try not be so late next time." Mori rubbed the space in between his eyebrows. Dazai scanned the room. There was only one open seat left. Dazai let out a sick smile. It was the seat right next to the ginger from earlier. Dazai skipped over to the long desk and sat down, purposefully dropping his belongings right in front of the ginger. He growled and shoved Dazai's stuff onto the ground. How rude.

Mori straightened. " As I was saying, the person whom you share your desk with will be your partner for the rest of the year. No if's and's or but's." Mori said. The redhead groaned. This means that he would have to work with Dazai for the rest of the year. Mori walked around the room and handed out a syllabus. Dazai snatched it out of his hand and immediately discarded the paper. 

" You should try to get to know your partner, as you will be working with them for the rest of the year."

The redhead took a breath before looking at Dazai. " I am Chuuya. I am from Beauxbatons." He said before looking back at the syllabus.

Dazai snorted. " No duh. The color of your robes gives that away. But I'm gonna call you Hatrack." Chuuya looked livid.

" Well your just a walking mummy, you miserable waste of bandages!!" He exploded. Dazai smiled eerily.

" Ooh, feisty." Dazai simply replied. Chuuya snapped to his feet and was about to raise hell on this kid when Mori walked over and put a hand on both of their shoulders, effectively shoving Chuuya back on the stool. The ginger grunted. Dazai shivered from the unpleasant and creepy feeling of Mori making physical contact.

" Boys, need I remind you of your manners?" Mori said in a calm and collected voice. Dazai shook Mori off his shoulder and gazed around the room. All eyes were fixed on the professor and the two bickering students. Some sympathetic, and others hungry for a fight. 

Dazai shook it off with a calm smile and leaned back in his stool with his hands resting on the back of his head. The Hatrack's face was so red it matched the tone of his hair and clashed with his baby blue robes. Dazai snickered to himself.

Mori straightened up. He cleared his throat. " As I was saying," Dazai immediately tuned out his adoptive father's boring voice droning on and on about the lessons for the year in favor of day dreaming new nicknames and insults for various people. Soon enough, the bell rang and all of the students exited the potions room. 

Dazai was headed for the door when the redhead shoved him out of the way. " This isn't over." Chuuya growled.

" Hmm, you might have packed more of a punch if you hadn't been the size of a fire hydrant. Oh well." Dazai sighed. Chuuya took a step back.

" Lay off about my size, Jackass!" He yelled.

Dazai winced from the noise. "Impressive. The only other person that I know that can be thaat loud is Kunikida!" Dazai smiled delightfully at the memory. Chuuya gave him one last shove before he stormed off, meeting that kid with the strange split toned hair in the hallway. Dazai watched them leave, feeling a surprising pang of.....jealousy? Dazai doesn't know why he's jealous, he has friends. Just maybe they aren't as close as Chuuya and his friend ( Sadie? Sally? Silas? whatever it doesn't matter.) But he was fine. Perfectly fine. 

Dazai walked slow to his next class, seeing how long it could take for him to get there. He has a reputation to uphold, of course.

A/n: No, I was not implying and romantic feelings between Dazai and Chuuya. Not at all. I was implying that Dazai doesn't have a singular very close friend. Please leave nice comments and votes, they are verry well appreciated. Also, again, if you would like to see more of a ship, comment down below.

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