And I You

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I teleport back to the Inn, landing lightly on the roof. The Inn's guests roamed the grounds around the base of the tree stationed building and talked to one another with smiles. I sit on the edge of the roof, feet dangling off the edge.

As I look towards the city of Liyue, something starts to feel off. Standing, I carefully scan the area around me, wondering why, even with everything feeling weird, I didn't feel threatened in any way. Almost like someone was here that shouldn't be.

I teleport down to the front desk and spot Verr Goldett talking to a customer. Slipping around the corner, I stayed hidden so I wouldn't scare them off. When they leave, I step up and catch the attention of the woman.

"Oh, Xiao, I wasn't expecting you here, is something wrong?" She asks.

"Does something feel off to you?" I ask.


"Does something feel off to you?"

"Um, no, unless you mean that it's been a strange day. I mean, the traveler just walked in a few minutes ago."

"Wait, the traveler?"

"Yeah, he just walked by about five minutes ago. He didn't say a word of greeting either. It's unlike him."

"Yeah it is." I mumble before teleporting to the room. Sure enough, the blonde is walking out of the bathroom with a flushed face and dull eyes. "Aether? Why are you back? I thought you were going to try finding more about your sister today."

"Oh I find more about her alright." He grumbles, his sour attitude catching me off guard. "Turns out, after being taken from me, she has turned into," He turns and does mocking air quotations with his fingers, "the Abyss Order's Princess."

"Why is that so bad? Just convince her to come back and everything will be fine again." I say, angering him even more.

"I tried. She didn't listen to a word I said, all she did was mention something about the end of our journey or something like that. Then she goes with the Abyss Herald through his little portal and leaves me behind." He exclaims angrily.

"I think you need to calm down a little bit. I didn't do anything to upset you." I try reasoning as anger starts to involuntarily boil up inside me.

"Why? Give me one good reason why I should calm down!" As he rants, he faces me, unconsciously getting closer as he makes gestures with his hands. Everything after that comes in a blur.

The next thing I hear is something hit the wall followed by a yelp of pain.

I stare wide eyed at the boy who was formerly standing in front of me, now sitting against the wall with terrified eyes and ragged breath.

"A-Aether I-" I try but fail as a tear slips down his cheek. Then, like the coward I was, I ran. Ran out of the room, onto the balcony, and launched myself into the air before teleporting.

I landed on the top of Mount Hulao, barely able to take in my surroundings before I formed my polearm and slammed its point into the ground, biting my tongue so I wouldn't cry out in fury. But it's not towards Aether. It's towards myself.

Through the forming tears, I managed a small laugh. "Can't do anything right can you Xiao?" I say to myself.

The sound of hilichurls in the background gained my attention. Whipping my weapon around, I cleared the area of the monsters in seconds. Turning to look in the direction of the Inn, I sigh and sit on the rock behind me, getting rid of my weapon.

I shouldn't have lost it. I shouldn't have left him. I shouldn't have touched him.

I should have stopped and listened. I know what it's like to lose someone you care for yet I ignored him and tried to distract him.

I scoff, disgusted with myself. For both my actions and attitude.

Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed myself before closing my eyes, deciding not to go back now. I couldn't after what I did. He probably doesn't want to see me anyway.

"Good going you stupid adeptus. You just ruined your relationship." I mutter to myself.

The rest of the time I spend there is in silence. I watch the sun set and the moon begin to rise. That's when I decided to head back and face his wrath now. Better than letting it stew overnight and possibly lose my life tomorrow.

With one last silent prayer to the archons that I won't lose my life at the hands of my boyfriend, I teleport to the roof of the Inn. Silently, I leap down to the balcony and walk inside, careful to stay out of sight of the other guests. I reach our room door and knock softly.

I don't receive words as a response. I hear a sniffle and my face falls. I open the door slowly, not wanting to scare him more than I probably already have.

When I peek inside, he is sitting on the opposite side of the bed, face covered by his hands as his shoulders shake.

"Aether." I whisper his name, walking around the bed and kneeling in front of him, one hand on his knee as the other brushes against the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry Xiao, I didn't mean to upset you. Just, please don't leave me." He cries.

"Oh, Aether, you have nothing to be sorry for. I should have been listening." I say. "Will you look at me? Please?"

Slowly, he brings his hands down, his eyelids wet from tears due to his hands being covered with them. His eyes are still watery, gazing into mine sadly.

"I will never leave you. I'll try to be more understanding in the future, just please don't cry. I hate seeing you so upset, especially when I'm the one that caused your tears."

"Please don't blame yourself." He whispers.

"But It's my fault you're crying. I shouldn't have gotten angry with you. I shouldn't have left, I-" My sentence is cut short when he flinches a bit while trying to reach down for me. "Aether, I hurt you didn't I."

His eyes widened in slight fear. "No, you didn't you were just overwhe-"

"Aether, I know I hurt you, don't lie to me." I cut him off, feeling more tears of my own well up in my eyes.

He looks down, seemingly ashamed for not telling me the truth.

I stand up and wrap my arms around his shoulders, my hands stroking the back of his head as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"How bad did I hurt you?" I murmur, trying to keep the tears from spilling over.

"It hurt worse when you left." He replies, avoiding my initial question.

"Stop avoiding the question and tell me."

"It's sore."

"Let me see." I pull away and pull him to his feet.

He turns around slowly, arms folding over the exposed skin of his stomach. I look down his back and internally gasp, not wanting to worry him even more.

He didn't bleed, but he is red and has scratch marks on his back from where he hit the wall and slid down.

I pull him into me by the waist and buried my nose in his neck, squeezing my eyes shut so I didn't cry.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He turns in my arms, wrapping his around my neck and pressing our foreheads together. "I'm just glad you came back."

I nod slightly before hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you Xiao."

"And I you." I murmur.


My first Xiaoether oneshot, what do you think?

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