Warn Me

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"Xiao come on, we're going to be late!"

"I'm coming, calm down."

"But I'm excited and literally bouncing on the tips of my toes right now."

A laugh leaves the dark haired boy upon seeing his boyfriend of six years literally bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.

"Alright, I'm ready." He takes the blonde's hand. "You act like you've never been to one of these before."

"I know but I love them. The way the lanterns light up the sky and reflect off the water. The glow it gives the harbor as they reach higher and higher into the sky. The looks on everyone's faces. The kids and their cute smiles." Aether sighs in content.

"I guess you're right." Xiao offers a small smile.

"Of course I am, now let's go. I want to get food and make a lantern together and sit on top of Mount Hulao like we do every year." He pulls his boyfriend out of their room and towards Liyue Harbor.

They walk through the crowd of people, Aether's eyes shining brighter than the stars above. Xiao was entranced by his beauty, his blonde hair pulled back in its signature braid, swaying behind him as he pulled the darker haired boy through the streets and stopping at different shops along the way.

(Xiao POV)

"Xiao, let's go make our lanterns now!" Aether giggles when the shop comes into view. I simply followed him, keeping a firm hold on his hand so I didn't lose him in the crowd of people. We stepped into the shop and Aether greeted the owner before collecting the materials to make a  lantern. Wait, a lantern?

"Um, Aether, aren't we making two lanterns?" I ask.

"Did you want to? I mean we can but I thought it would be cute to make one this year and let it go together." He blushes lightly, embarrassed with his proposal.

"That's fine, I was just confused." I say, reassuring him before he gets excited and starts putting it together with my help here and there.

When we finish, he gets a lighter and starts pulling me around.

"Where should we go next?" He asks, slowly heading in the direction of Mount Hulao.

"Wherever you want to go." I reply, taking in the smiles the people of Liyue are wearing.

"Alright then. Can we visit Xinqui before we go up? I have a question for him."

"Of course."

With that, we are headed in the direction of the bookworm. When we find him, Aether immediately lets my hand go and asks to speak to the dark blue haired boy in private. Together, they head into the shop we are in front of and leave me outside with Chongyun. I think that's his name anyway.

"What was that all about?" He asks while eating a popsicle.

"I don't know." I shrug, leaning my back against the railing while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Are you planning on setting off a lantern?" He asks.

"Yeah. Aether thought that it would be a good idea to let one go together."

"Really? Xinqui said the same thing. We even went and built one together. I've gotta say, he's been acting pretty strange here recently. He hasn't even finished the book he started last week. Normally he'd be done with three of them by now."

I raise an eyebrow at his statement, knowing full well that that isn't normal for our bookworm of a friend. Well, Aether's bookworm of a friend.

At that time, Aether and Xinqui approached us again.

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