Get Well Soon

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I walk into the classroom and look around, smiling lightly when I see the familiar head of dark hair laying on his desk. I approach him and tap lightly on his head, giggling when he grumbles, sticking out his hand so I could grab it. I do and sway our hands back and forth before he pulls on my arm and wraps his around my waist, moving his head from the desk to my stomach.

I furrow my eyebrows, concerned with the temperature since he is usually pretty cool.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask. "You're pretty warm." I brush some hair out of his face and trail my fingers down his cheek and across his forehead.

He does a notion of nodding and shaking his head at the same time.

I sigh. "How about we go to the nurse's office and get your temperature checked."

"No." He mumbles, pulling me closer as he leans back in his seat. "I'm fine. There's a test and I don't want to make it up."

"You're so stubborn." I say, moving in front of him to sit on his desk. He moves with me, resting his head on my thigh, his hands in his lap.

I tread my fingers into his hair, humming a low tune as I look around the classroom. At that time, our friend Kazuha entered the room.

"Good morning Aether." He greets before looking down at Xiao. "Is he okay?"

"I think he has a fever but he won't go get his temperature checked because we have a test today." I replied.

"Ever the stubborn one." He sighs.

I nod in agreement as someone slumps into the desk in front of Xiao. I look down and giggle at the male's defeated figure.

"Let me guess, you two are fighting again." I say, making him groan.

"He is choosing his book over me! I'm not going to be getting attention for weeks now because it's the first book in a 13 book series." He whines.

""I wonder what he's reading." Kazuha muses.

"I don't know, it's something about an apprentice and his master or something like that." He exclaims, shooting up and staring wide eyed at the two of us.

Xiao mumbles something under his breath that catches my attention.

"What?" I ask.

"The Spook's Apprentice." He says again, lifting his head from my thigh. "I just finished reading that series and recommended it to him."

Chongyun looked at him like he just saw a ghost. I laugh at the situation and Kazuha smiles, mildly amused with the turn of events.

"You knew?" I mouth to him.

He nods and I shake my head, chuckling a little more as the teacher walks into the classroom and tells everyone to get in their seats. I slip into the seat next to Xiao and listen to the teacher ramble on about some review we were going to do while throwing glances towards the boy beside me.

When the class ended, I waited for him to put his stuff away before walking with him to his next class.

"When are you taking your test?" I ask.

"Fourth period." He replies, his voice quiet as he closes his eyes, his complexion a little paler than before and his movements sluggish.

"Are you sure you will make it till then?" I press the back of my hand to his forehead. "You're burning up."

He nods before stepping into his classroom. "See you at lunch." He offers a small smile before disappearing.

I sigh and head to class, stumbling when someone throws their arm around my shoulders.

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