Goodnight Love

988 17 14

"Xiao, do you want to come to Mondstadt with me?" I ask excitedly.

"What for?" He questions, eyeing me from the side, his hands folded in his lap as his legs dangle off the side of the railing.

"Nothing important, I just got a letter from a friend of mine and she said that they're planning on hanging out in the tavern for a get together. I was just wondering if you would like to come. If not, it's fine." I explain, the smile never leaving my face.

I watch as he thinks about it for a minute before shrugging. "I guess. I have nothing better to do anyway."

I gasp dramatically, making him fully face me. "You're going to desert Liyue and go to another nation for a get together?"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But you just invited me. Did you not?"

I laugh at his seriousness. "I'm just playing Xiao. I really need to teach you how to take a joke."

He just sighs before coming down from the railing and standing next to me.

"When are we supposed to be there?"

"They said seven this evening."

He nods. "Are we teleporting or walking?"

"I was just going to use the waypoints, but if you want to teleport yourself or walk then that's fine too."

"Then I'll meet you there. I have to speak to Morax about something before we leave."

"Alright." I kiss his cheek before he can get away. "See you in a few hours."

"See you." he nods before disappearing, leaving a small cloud of black smoke in his place.

In the meantime, I head down to the adventurers guild and pick up a few commissions to help pass the time.

By the time 6:30 rolled around, I had completed my second commission and was going to report back to Kathryn.

"Finished already?" She asks.

"Yeah, I actually have somewhere to be in about 30 minutes so I have to go early." I respond to which she smiles.

"Don't worry about it. Have fun."


I then took off, deciding to take the waypoint just outside of the city in respect of the people of Liyue. I try not to use the one in the city unless it's an emergency and I'm too far from the other.

I get there and get ready to teleport, closing my eyes until I felt the ground beneath my feet again.

When I open them, I look towards the bridge heading into Mondstadt, the sight making me smile as the setting sun makes the city look like it's glowing.

"So this is the city of Barbatos." I jump at the sudden noise and turn to face its owner.

"Holy Archons Xiao, make some noise next time. You just scared me half to death."

He tilts his head slightly to the left. "But you don't look any older."

I sigh. "It's an expression. I'll explain it later, are you ready?"

He nods slightly and jumps from his perch in the tree to stand next to me. Together, we walk into the city, saying hi to the guards on the way in. I watch as Xiao takes in his surroundings, seemingly awed as well as anxious.

When we reach the tavern, I make sure the dark haired man is ready before walking inside, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filling the otherwise quiet evening.

Xiao x Aether OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now