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"Hey, get me another one!"

"You still haven't given me my drink yet!"

"When are you going to take mine?"

I hold back a groan of frustration and force a look of indifference on my face while turning back to the crowd of people.

Friday. The busiest night of the week, everyone is fed up with work and talks about quitting their job only to head back to said place the next Monday.

I pull out two more glasses and fill them up before sliding them across the counter to the men at the end of the bar. Next, I fill another glass for someone asking for their third shot as well as ask another what they want to drink.

I get their drinks prepared as another walks into the bar, making me roll my eyes in frustration upon seeing his attire. A white button up, jacket slung over his shoulder, keys dangling from a finger on his free hand while the other runs through his hair.

I watch as he looks at me once before looking away and taking a spot at a table in the back with a heave of his shoulders, showing the stress he has built up over the week. After being sure that no one else was going to be ordering anything for the time being, I began cleaning out some cups and putting them on the shelf all the while watching the person in the back.

Strange, no one ever comes in without getting something or at least waving someone over for a drink.

As I watched him and got drinks for others, I began to wonder if he was waiting for someone. A few minutes later, the door opens again and a man, I recognize all too well, steps inside. Holding back a grumble of protest, I slowly reach for his usual drink as he approaches the bar.

"The usual." He grumbles, clearly irritated with another co-worker.

I nod and start preparing his drink while watching his every move from the corner of my eye, waiting for the moment when he would start causing a ruckus and have to be kicked out like every other night he has been here. Sadly, I can't just ban him from the premises because he hasn't been making people so much uncomfortable as he has been loud and mildly destructive.

"So, when are you going to take me up on my offer?" He asks, eyeing me up and down like he always does.

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time this evening. "I'm not. I've told you before, I have a boyfriend and am not interested in the likes of you." I slide him his drink while taking his mora off the table to put in the register.

I check the watch on my wrist and sigh, half in relief, half in dis-belief. A part of me wants to rejoice with the fact that I only have another hour left until I can close down and head home while the other half of me is groaning in irritation that I still have another hour until I can go home.

Leaning up against the counter behind the bar, I fiddle with the towel in my hand while keeping an eye on the people still hanging around. I refill a few drinks and make others as people end their night with something a bit less potent than the drinks they've had before.

As they start filing out, I notice that the man in the back still hasn't moved, peaking my curiosity. I think about heading over to see if he needs anything when someone walks in and plops down at the bar with an aggravated expression.

"Give me the strongest shot you have. I'm only here for one then I'm leaving." He demands.

"Alright." I nod, making a mental note in the back of my mind to memorize his face. I have a feeling I was going to be seeing a lot more of this guy beyond tonight.

I finish and take his mora, setting it with the growing pile in the back that I haven't had a chance to put away yet.

I turn back to the room and a small smile graces my lips upon seeing it mostly empty before it is replaced by a frown when I notice the discomfort of the man in the back as one of the lingering men continues drawing closer to him as he speaks.

I am about to move to do something about it when he suddenly rises from his seat and calmly makes his way to the bar. As he waves me over, I pretend not to look too interested in whatever was going on and approach him, stopping a squeal of happiness from escaping when I recognize him.

I keep a calm facade and nod, showing him that I was listening.

"An angel shot." He flicks his eyes to the man approaching him again and I nod, sending him a subtle wink before walking out from behind the bar.

"Bar closes in ten minutes!" I call as I approach the man. "Finish your glass, leave the money on the table and leave!" I smile at the man I'm approaching, patting him on the shoulder when I get close.

"Good evening sir." I grab his attention. "Why don't you and I take a walk?" I nod towards the door and, being the kind of man he is, he doesn't realize what I'm doing when I shove him out the door with a glare. "Don't be pulling that crap in my bar. Keep to yourself or don't come back. I won't be so nice next time." I head back inside, holding the door open for the guys that stumble out, leaving the bar mostly empty.

I step back inside and close the door behind me. I knock my head against it a few times before turning around and actually acknowledging the last guy in the bar.

"About time. I was beginning to think you forgot about me." He teases as I pick up a few stray glasses, knocking him in the back of the head with my free hand before gathering glasses in that one as well.

"I would've acknowledged you sooner if you came up to the bar." I replied.

"You didn't recognize me?" He feigns shock and hurt.

"How could I? You walked in and immediately went to a table in the back where I couldn't see you clearly. I just guessed that you were some stranger looking for something to drown out your sorrows." I laugh, knowing that he probably would if it weren't for my dislike of him drinking.

He rolls his eyes in mock irritation before putting on a genuine smile, staying quiet as I put stuff back in place. I could feel his eyes following me as I moved around.

I turned around, one of my last glasses in hand as I met his eyes. I scanned his features, never able to get enough of him.

His gold eyes soften whenever he looks at me, the small curve of his lips when I kiss his cheek or nose, the light blush that dusts his cheeks when I show public affection, his soft hair brushing against my skin when he lays his head on my shoulder. I couldn't get enough of him and his absence for the past two weeks has been a challenge.

Finally, unable to hold it back much longer, I put everything in my hands down and raced around the counter barrelling into him with a quiet laugh, relieved to have him back in my arms.

"You lost this one." He murmurs, causing me to slap his chest lightly, making him laugh.

"Shut up, I'll get you next time." I say.

"Sure." He replies sarcastically. "Fine, I'll forgive you if you make me a drink." I pull away and glare at him.

"Absolutely not." I push away from him and start back behind the bar when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Hey, I'm just kidding." He stands and presses a kiss to my temple. "Although I find it ironic that you hate alcohol and don't want me drinking it yet you own a bar."

I glare at him playfully before returning the kiss he just gave me, albeit it was on the cheek instead of the head.

"I missed you." I murmur.

"Obviously, I mean you did lose our challenge."

I whine softly. "Would you please quit ruining the moment."

He laughs and hugs me tight. "Alright." He sighs before a small chuckle leaves his lips. "But I still won."

"XIAO!" I exclaim, causing him to laugh out loud.

"I'm gonna get you next time." I grumble, actually going back to the bar to finish cleaning up.

As I clean, he sits back down, a small smile on his lips as he closes his eyes, laying his head on his arms.

I smile softly, still simmering a bit because of his teasing on the challenge, but I couldn't stay mad at him. I mean, it was my idea to see who could go longer without greeting each other like anyone else would.

"You knew I would lose didn't you." I sigh as his smile widens a little more, telling me that he heard me.


Xiao x Aether OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt