#002 | 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦

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This chapter includes blood and something gore (results of violent actions).

THE MORNING ARRIVES AS a mother's gentle hand, inviting the dreams of the night to enter the day, the world waking up from the uneternal sleep with each golden ray. In the early silence, Layla's phone started to ring. Groaning, the young woman reached for her phone and answered without even daring to open her eyes and see who it was.

《 Hello?》

It took the other person on the line a while to speak.

《 Layla, I need your help.. Get to my house as fast as you can.》 M's voice was shaken which made the agent quickly sit up.
《 M, what's going on?》 Layla said, getting already dressed up as she squeezed the little device between her cheek and shoulder.
《 Our agent is back.》
《 Frederick?》
《 His.. head is back.》

"This better not be another joke of hers." Layla said to herself, speeding through the slighty active streets in her blue scooter. Frederick Evans was sent undercover from three months ago to get some information about Doctor Bones; a highly dangerous, wanted man on the market. He had been seen exchanging files and money with a man they couldn't get a clean picture of his face. She thought Frederick would be back till Sunday. That's what M told her.
Once arrived in front of her house, Layla parked her scooter and rushed to the door. The door was unlocked, this is no good sign.

"Ma'am?" Layla called inside the house, running from one room to another, pushing her childhood memories aside. And finally making it to the living room, there she saw M, sitting in a chair, blood drops on the white carpet. The adrenaline did only increase as she steps closer of her boss. She was staring at something with her full attention and as soon as she saw what it was, her mouth felt open, breath cut.

Frederick's head was on the table, in a white box which was more than half open, the fresh blood dripping on the carpet, rushing down the wooden table. Layla's belly was compressing itself, her empty stomach offering nothing to push out. She took a breath in and put her hand on M's shoulder, looking down. Being an agent didn't mean to be only brawny and able to shoot, but also to have the guts to look at things like this and not react. To be strong in muscle and brain. She just knew that whatever this meant, it won't end well.

Later in the MI6 Building, everyone was busy with something. It was total chaos. The information spread through the agency and M found herself in some real, deep shit. Everyone was trying to find the source, the reason, the way, the where, the who. This was just.. suddent. No one was expecting such a thing.

Layla was still trying to digest what she had seen a few minutes earlier, the images stuck under her eyelids. She was walking in circles in M's office, taking deep breaths in.
Suddenly, the door opened and Will walked in, adjusting his tie. He doesn't always dress this formal.
"Everyone, everyone is losing it. Wait, are you okay? I'm so sorry Michael kept me waiting and I-"
Before he could even finish his sentence, Layla wrapped her arms around him, smelling the familiar strong cologne in.
"Hey.. hey you're okay. Just let those guards down. I'm here." He spoke in a soft tone, trying to comfort her.
"It won't leave my head, Will. It's just.."
"Shh, shut up for once and let it bite you." Will rested his chin on her head, feeling her press her body against his. He was family to her, the only person that understood her and made her feel safe in such a dangerous field.
Barlowe's ringing phone broke their moment, making Layla step back, shaking her head. At least, she's feeling much better.
"I gotta get going. That bastard's making me protect his ass out with the press. I'll see you later, right?"
"Dunno really. M said she got something important to tell me and.. I should probably spend the rest of my day with her."
"Yeesh. Have fun with the.. daughter-mother thing!" Will joked and gave her a smile before to disappear into the hallway.

And there she was, back to waiting. Hopefully she ended up occupying herself with a white piece of paper and a pencil she found on the desk.

⁂ 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 #1 | 007 storyWhere stories live. Discover now