#003 | 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒'𝑠 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑑

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M's face was stern, holding no trait that would show you an emotion. A face will tell you infinite things before a word is spoken, one only has to realise how to listen. And Layla knew how to do so, especially on hers. Her eyes were resting much more than they usually are, meaning that she was hiding the still existing shock. Her lips were pressed together either because she got into an argument with someone or because she got into a bad situation. She decided to say nothing and keep quiet, waiting for her to break the heavy silence between them.

"This is outrageous and disgraceful." M finally spoke, leaning in her chair. "God..."
"What's our next step?" Layla said, taking a seat.
"I'm afraid there's no next step. We're playing someone's game and any move can only get us deeper in the well." She said, unhappy.
"But we can't stay arms crossed, watching whoever done this destroy us more!"
M closed her eyes for a moment and pinched her nose.
"M.. Think about that agent's life. His dignity, his service. It's gone!"
"I can see that but you are not helping." Layla gave her a stare and M sighed.
"I'm sending you on a mission. With someone."
"What? I work, alone."
"You're going to follow my orders for once. Don't make me put you out of league."
Just when the agent wanted to add something, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in." said M as she stood up.

A man stepped in, slim build; a 3 in long, thin vertical with a recent looking wound on his right cheek, dazzling blue-grey eyes, and a "cruel" mouth. His hair was short and blondish and he also, was dressing formal but he seemed to be comfortable in his clothes, meaning that it surely is his usual main dressing style.
He stood straight, his shining eyes checking me out like a predator and man the urge to punch his face...

"Layla, show on some respect to your partner." She said raising her eyebrows.
"There is no way I'm working with this hungry, bad looking, fopdoodle-"
This last finally stood up, burning from anger on the inside. This is great, just great.
"Lovely first meet-up. The name's Bond. James B-"
"I know who you are. And I have enough reasons to keep my distance with you."
He chuckled, looking very much amused. "We will see, my dear. After all, no woman can resist me."
M interrupted both of them. "Enough being babyish you both. I've raised you once and not doing it twice." M looked at Layla then at James "I hope you will find a way to cooperate and get on as soon as possible. Your flight is in six hours."
James nod his head and walked out of the office.
"You better not fall for him, Lay." The old lady said before that Layla closed the door.


Taking a deep breath in, Layla turned and found herself inches away from Bond's face. As a reflex, she pushed him strongly and stepped back.
"What in God's glory were you doing!?"
"Waiting for you." He simply answered, the malicious smirk not leaving his lips.
Lay took a deep breath and walked past him. He started to follow her up and she immediately stopped, placing her hand on his chest.
"And you're now following me." She said in such a low, soft voice, smiling as she leaned close.
"Didn't know you'd fall this quickly." He said, watching her roam her hand on his strong chest. Suddenly, Layla slipped her foot behind his and applied pressure on his chest, watching him fall.
"Now who's the one who felt?" She giggled proud that he got right into her little trap. She turned around and made her way to the elevator. She didn't even look back but could totally imagin his face.

Layla left the building from a secret back door after she showed her ID card to the guards and soon joined the busy streets of the fully active city. The sky was clear for once but the cold breeze tried to attack each one on the street, bringing their hair into a seasonal dance. She could care less about how she looked, she was in a bad mood thanks to how her day started; skipped her daily shower, breakfast, morning show and the amazing spectacle M invited her to watch.

"Can't wait to go home."

⁂ 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 #1 | 007 storyWhere stories live. Discover now