The Castle of the Dread

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Barley, Varian and Kristoff have been checking out the book of monsters in Merlin's Cottage.

Varian and Kristoff have no idea about monsters that don't say anything about weaknesses.

Thanks to Barley, he explained to them about the monsters that he encountered with his brother Ian before.

The griffin's weakness.


The kelpie's weakness.


So on and so forth.

Barley was helpful about the monsters' weaknesses (even most of them are not in the book).

Varian and Kristoff are glad with Barley to know more about monsters than they have.

So they took their preparations for the Castle of the Dread.

Each of them got their own satchels.

Kristoff packed some food in his satchel.

Varian packs his orbs of alchemy in his bag.

Barley packed up the things for the castle.

They are gathered in a circle.

Kristoff was emotionless. "Okay, let's see what we got in our bags." He said.

Barley and Varian looks inside of Kristoff's satchel.

Barley was delighted. "I see you brought some substances for the place." He mentioned.

Kristoff gestures at his satchel. "The substances in here will only last three days. We have to be careful to not eat more than one of each of us." He warned.

Varian was puzzled. "Did you pack just apples in your satchel, Kristoff?" Varian asked.

Kristoff nodded his head at the alchemist. "Yes, Varian. It's much easier to stock than sandwiches." Kristoff answered frankly.

Barley nodded his head twice. "All right, I can go for apples on our quest." He agreed.

Kristoff looks at the alchemist. "What do you got, Varian?" Kristoff wondered.

The alchemist sighs at the mountain man. Varian made his awkward smile. He showed his bag to them. "It's just alchemy and my vials. At least they are organized." Varian replied.

Kristoff and Barley examines Varian's bag.

Kristoff was perplexing. "Varian, can you please explain to us about your...alchemy, was it?" He asks.

Varian was beamed. "Oh sure." He answers.

The alchemist gestured at his things in his bag. "The orange orbs here are hot components. The light blue orbs there are the freeze components. The purple ones are the goo traps." Varian clarifies his stuff.

Barley shrugged. "So all of your alchemy things are for attacking the monsters. Nice." He guesses.

Varian was grinning awkwardly. The alchemist scratched the back of his head. "Well that and our chances for us to run away from them." He mentioned.

Kristoff glanced at Varian. Kristoff was aware. "Good thinking." He commented.

The mountain man looked at the blue burly elf. "Your turn, Barley." Kristoff said.

The blue burly elf reveals inside of his satchel. Barley was confident. "Behold!" He exclaimed.

Varian and Kristoff browses inside of Barley's satchel.

They are bewildered.

The blue burly elf points out for them. "My guidebook called The Quest of Yore. The rope. A few daggers. The pouch of sprites' magic dust. And the canteen of water." Barley said.

Varian and Kristoff stares blankly at the blue burly elf.

Barley was smiling. "Hey, on the quest, we have to use what we got. And this is what I got." He clarified.

Kristoff was skeptical. "Okay, I get the robe, the daggers and the canteen of water." He said.

Kristoff extended his arms at Barley's satchel. "But what's with your guidebook and the pouch of pixies' dust?" He wonders.

Barley raises his eyebrow. "It's sprites' dust." He corrected.

The blue burly elf grins. "I always carried my guidebook for the quests. As for the sprites' dust, since neither of us have the magic gift, this will be our advantage to fly back to Merlin's house after we accomplished the quest." Barley replies.

Varian groans. The alchemist facepalmed himself. Varian was annoyed. "I hope this adventure will last about a day." He whispered.

Moments later, Merlin teleported Kristoff, Varian and Barley by his magic wand.

They are being sent to the Castle of the Dread.

Kristoff, Varian and Barley stared at the outside of the castle confusingly.

Varian was puzzling. "This is the Castle of the Dread, really?" He inquired.

Kristoff was perplexed. "It's kinda hard to see it on the outside." He uttered.

Barley was quizzical. "Maybe it's more dreading on the inside?" He inquires.

Varian ponders. "Hmmmmm..." he said.

Then, the alchemist was serious. Varian looks up at somethings. "There's five towers in that castle." He mentions.

Kristoff was still perplexed, looking up where Varian was staring. "Maybe Elsa's sister could be in one of the towers?" He asked.

Barley was enthusiastic. "It has to be. The bad guys usually keeps the princesses hidden away from the world." He answered.

The alchemist took a deep breath. Varian was not amused. "Okay, we can't just stand around and talk about the princesses in distress right now." He utters.

Kristoff sighs. "Varian has a point. We have better watch ourselves, guys." He warns.

Barley and Varian nodded their heads twice at Kristoff.

Things are getting serious for the three heroes.

Varian was about to knock on the big double doors.

All of a sudden, the big double doors opened by themselves gradually.

Barley, Varian and Kristoff are baffled about it.

They are more baffled for what they witnessed inside of the castle.

The whole place was the colors of black, gray and white.

The mountain man was astonished. "Okay, why is the castle all black and white?" Kristoff inquired.

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