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In Old Corona, the village was peaceful.

Nothing seems to be changing in the world.

Except the familiar brown-haired man in his Coronan guard uniform.

He was riding on the white horse from the kingdom of Corona. The new captain of the guard hasn't been more happier than before.

The village leader noticed the arrival of Old Corona. He was smiling at him. "Eugene! It's been so long!" The village leader exclaimed.

The new captain of the guard got off the white horse. Eugene was nearly out of breath. "Stay here in the moment, Max." He ordered.

The white horse neighs in agreement.

Eugene hurries to the village. "Nice to see you too Quirin! No time for small talk!" He hollered.

Eugene don't want to stop running. He was dashing to one house. "Varian!" Eugene calls.

The alchemist came out of the doorway from his house. Varian looks different than he used to be. He was getting a little taller. Varian was having a growth sprout. His black hair with his blue-stripe lock of hair was the same. He wore a ponytail on his hair. Varian still wears the same improvised black gloves. Along with his black boots. He dressed himself how Eugene used to wear when he was the thief. Of how they first met for six years earlier. Except his white shirt was tucked in by his black gloves. His blue vest matches to his blue-stripe hair. Only darker. His pair of pants was dark gray. Varian was cheerful. "Eugene!" Varian shouts with happiness. He scurried to him.

Eugene was gladdened. He picked up Varian with his both hands, swinging in the clockwise rotation a few times. "Look at you, brother! You gotta quit growing so much! The whole growth sprout is getting to ya!" Eugene exclaimed.

Varian laughs with Eugene hysterically. "Hey! We'll get ourselves dizzy here if you don't stop spinning for one moment!" Varian exclaims.

Eugene was startled. He made one wrong move. Eugene stumbled backwards after the last spin. He falls over with Varian.

Eugene and Varian are frightened. "WAAAH!" They screamed in unison.

Eugene collapsed on his back. He perturbs. "Ow...Overexcited feels does to ya..." Eugene comments.

Varian touched his head with his both hands. His eyes are spiraling a lot. He was pitiful. "I think my head spins pretty good big time..." Varian commented.

Eugene chuckles to himself. "I kinda deserve that." He said.

After they resumed their dizziness spell, Eugene was excited to tell Varian his best news. Eugene stared at him. "Varian, I gotta get to my point for coming here instantly. It's happening. It's really happening." Eugene said.

Varian was excited too. He stares back at Eugene. Varian has his fists up. "Oh tell me what is it Eugene?" Varian asked.

Eugene grinned big. "Varian...Rapunzel and I are having two babies!" Eugene answered.

Varian was astounding. "Two babies?!" He inquired in his exclamation.

Quirin picks up his son. He was proud. "Eugene's becoming the father of twins!" Quirin exclaimed in his clarification.

The village leader offers Eugene the helping hand. "I guess you're telling us that you're going to be busy in Corona with them soon." Quirin believed.

Eugene got up steadily by Quirin. Eugene was pleased. "I sure am! I'm finally getting my new dream coming true! Raising the family with Rapunzel!" He exclaims.

Eugene hugged Quirin and Varian.

Quirin and Varian hugs Eugene back.

After their warm embrace, they let go of each other.

Varian was beamed. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" He exclaimed.

Quirin was smiling at Eugene, getting emotional. "Let us know if they are boys or girls or a boy and a girl, Eugene." He said.

Eugene nodded his head at Quirin. "I will, Quirin." He said.

Eugene looked at Varian. "That ponytail you made for yourself. It looks good, Varian." Eugene compliments.

Varian was happy at Eugene, for noticing. "Thank you, brother." He said in his gratified smile.

Quirin and Varian waved a goodbye at Eugene.

Eugene rode off with Maximus back to Corona.

Varian headed back to his house. He lifted the raccoon up with his both hands. Varian was happier. "Eugene's going to be a dad, Ruddiger. He's expecting twins." Varian mentioned.

The raccoon clapped its paws a couple times.

Ruddiger was beaming.

How long has it been since Varian sees his big brother, Eugene Fitzherbert? Four or five years?

It's hard for Varian to not see him after he was kidnapped by Lady Caine recently.

Varian had to stay in Old Corona with his father.

By nightfall, everybody's asleep except the alchemist.

Varian attempts to do another invention since earlier in the morning. He was doing his tries to take breaks for meals and having Eugene visiting sometimes.

Although that night was different...

Varian went to sleep on his desk again. He nearly drooled on his blueprint.

The zaps came from outside out of nowhere.

It awoken Varian up by the electrical sounds. He was stunned.

The raccoon was too fearful to see.

Varian was resolute. He follows the sounds of lightning.

Varian heads out to his backyard.

For his horrorstruck, he faced the pink magical portal.

Varian efforts to escape yet failed.

He was being swallowed by the portal.

Varian was in teleportation to the different world.

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