The Truth of Diablo

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Elsa has so many thoughts since she sees Anna. Elsa's long lost sister, frozen in time inside of the block of ice.

Kristoff, Eugene, Varian and Ian feels sorry for the fifth spirit.

Is this for real? Or is it just a ploy for the heroes?

As for Barley, he pitied Elsa.

Yet something bugs the burly elf.

Barley was angry at Diablo. Barley has plenty of his words to say for the villain. "That's not Princess Anna!" He accused.

Elsa, Kristoff, Eugene, Varian and Ian are surprised with Barley.

Diablo faces Barley. Diablo made his wicked smile. Of course, he almost got his right eyelid twitch. "I don't know what are you talking about here, elf. Seriously, you and your friends made it this far." He lied.

Barley had his hands on his hips. "Okay, evil sorcerer with dark magic. You answer my questions. If you are right, we'll fight you to the death. If you're wrong, you have to give her up." He suggested.

Kristoff was nervous. "Okay, I'm not comfortable with what's going on for this moment." He stated.

Ian was concerned. "Barley?" Ian asks.

Barley raises his both arms. He was peeved. "Ian, I know what I'm doing." Barley answers in his assurance.

Elsa, Eugene and Varian are emotionless. They have no idea what's happening either.

Diablo was annoyed yet flexible. "All right, elf. I'll play your silly game." He accepted.

Barley furrows his eyebrows. "Yes, it is a silly game. But this will be useful for who's right and who's wrong." He mentioned.

Diablo was smirking. "Very well, elf. Ask me away then." He acknowledged.

Barley was irked with the evil sorcerer.

So Diablo and Barley plays the asking game at each other.

The five heroes just watched them carefully.

Barley makes up the questions.

"How did you kidnap Princess Anna?" He asked.

"I put a spell on her. Same way I did to the girl who was captured by giant spiders." Diablo answered.

Eugene protected Varian from the evil sorcerer.

"Who lives in this castle? The Castle of the Dread?" Barley wondered.

"Me and my monsters. It was empty when I got here." Diablo replied.

The ice on the wall trickles from the outside.

"Did you put a curse in this castle?" Barley asks.

"Yes." Diablo answers.

The ice turns into water gradually.

Kristoff, Elsa, Eugene, Varian and Ian realized something about the block of ice. They waited patiently for them to finish.

"Are you born with powers like Elsa the Snow Queen?" Barley wonders.

"Yes." Diablo replies.

The ice wall where the princess sleeps is melting.

"Is it true that you are a raven?" Barley wondered.

"YES!" Diablo exclaimed in his reply, cawing angrily at the burly elf at the same time.

The block of ice scatters.

Kristoff, Elsa, Eugene, Varian and Ian are taken aback.

The ice wall was gone. And Princess Anna wasn't there.

Diablo was mad at Barley. "You dared to prove me wrong?!" Diablo yelled in his inquiry.

Barley was irritated at the evil sorcerer. "You set us up a trap! And the magic don't get it wrong! I asked, you answered! And the magic reveals the truth! Here's something that I might put you in the mind blowing surprise! YOU did kidnap Princess Anna from Arendelle when she's just a child! YOU stole someone else's castle! YOU let a witch do all the things for you! YOU are not even the human being! AND the witch brought you back from the dead! AS A RAVEN!" He ranted.

Kristoff, Elsa, Eugene, Varian and Ian are stunned at the evil sorcerer. They gasped in shock.

Diablo was triggered. "FINE!" He shouted, caws out of his mouth.

Barley crisscrossed his arms. "Tell us what you really are, birdbrain." He commands.

Diablo was ticked off. He clenched his hands into fists. "My name is Diablo...I was Maleficent's devoted pet raven...What really happened years ago is HER doing...Last time I was alive, I was flying to Maleficent's chamber, telling her that the prince escaped from the Forbidden Mountain, her home...One of the three fairies, Merryweather, turned me into stone...I hasn't seen her again in my statue form afterwards...The evil witch did brought me back from petrification...She told me everything...Maleficent's defeat...The prince awoken the sleeping beauty...This castle King Phillip and Queen Aurora's...I let the witch spirited away the king and queen...I let her redone the place...She has left me to replace them with another royal princess...I learned that the king and queen of Arendelle has two daughters...I had to take the opportunity of myself...I stole the ginger red hair princess..." Diablo explained.

Elsa was upset at the evil sorcerer. "You took my sister away from me!" She cried.

Kristoff was determined. "Where is Anna?" He asked in his demand.

Diablo shakes his head stressfully. "I'm not letting you people try to rescue her." He protested. The evil sorcerer has no answer for them.

Diablo was distracted of keeping his revenge together. He doesn't heard anything that dropped out of his black robe.

It was the platinum pocket watch.

Diablo walked away from them.

Eugene was bothered. "So that's it? You pretend to be someone that you aren't? Just for avenging the witch who cursed the princess years ago? Stealing this castle? And living like you owned it for yourself?" He inquires so much questions.

Diablo shrugged. "I don't know..." he said, ignoring the heroes.

Ian was astounded at the evil sorcerer. "I can't believe you do awful things in here! It's clear to us that you destroyed not just the knights! To us! And we survived your traps! It's like you don't want Anna to be rescued by anyone!" He exclaimed.

Diablo looks at Ian instantly. Diablo was frustrated. "You're right! I don't!" He argues.

The five heroes keeps the evil sorcerer, because the villain has been stalling them.

As for Varian, he quickly grabs something off from the ground while walking with Eugene.

Varian got the platinum pocket watch in secret.

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