Merlin's Cottage II

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Varian was stunned.

Kristoff was skeptical at the blue burly elf. "Wait, wait, wait, what?" He inquired.

Barley shrugged. "I'm telling you, the Castle of the Dread is full of mysterious monsters." He clarifies.

Merlin was baffled at the mountain man. "Say, Kristoff, you talked to Archimedes earlier about the girl you're looking for?" The wizard asked.

Kristoff looks sadly at Merlin. "Yes." Kristoff answered.

The mountain man took a deep breath. "According to the elder troll, Grand Pabbie, he believes Elsa's sister was taken away by the evil sorcerer. But I don't know if it's the one in the Castle of the Dread." Kristoff explained.

The alchemist was astounded. "Wait...If Elsa does have a sister...then she's..." Varian trailed off his words.

Barley was astounded too. "Then Elsa's sister is the princess. We're rescuing a princess from the evil sorcerer in the castle of monsters." He guesses.

Kristoff facepalmed himself. The mountain man was perturbed. "Oh no..." he muttered.

Kristoff was stern. "We are not going to risk our butts for the princess in THAT castle." He said.

Kristoff gestures to the wizard. "Have you guys heard what Merlin said?" He inquires.

Kristoff raises his arms in the air. "The knights went in the Castle of the Dread and didn't come out." He reminded.

Varian was nervous. "Maybe they just go to the Castle of the Dread without thinking." He confirmed.

Barley and Kristoff glanced at Varian blankly.

The alchemist was getting more nervous. "Okay, okay. It's just my thought here. Perhaps we could prepare before going to that castle. I mean I got alchemy and science with me." Varian mentioned.

Kristoff shrugs his shoulders. "I only know how to harvest ice. I mean I grow up in the mountains." He said.

Barley made his mischievous smile. "Hey, I know lots of monsters that can be vanquished. I mean I know their weaknesses." He mentions.

The wizard was cheerful at the blue burly elf. "All right then. I might have a book of mythical creatures or monsters somewhere in the bookshelf. I think this may help about this kind of a problem." Merlin said.

The wizard got up from his big burgundy chair.

Merlin heads to the bookshelf. The wizard looked at them from his back. "Now, my tea kettle will whistle any moment. Help yourselves for some tea while I look for the book." Merlin assured.

The tea kettle whistles loudly from the stove.

Varian, Kristoff and Barley blinked their eyes at the tea kettle twice.

Varian fetches the tea kettle. The alchemist was delighted. "I'll take care of that." Varian volunteered.

Kristoff was emotionless. "That was quick." He comments.

Barley chuckled. "Merlin's the wizard. He is always ahead of things." Barley stated.

Varian holds the tea kettle with the white pot holders. The alchemist sticks his tongue out while pouring the last tea in the cup. Varian halted. The alchemist looks at Barley and Kristoff. Varian was curious. "Cream and sugar, anyone?" He wondered.

Kristoff nodded his head. "Sure." He replies.

Barley nodded his head too. "Eh, why not." He replies too.

The alchemist searches on the big round table. "Now where is the cream and sugar?" Varian inquired in his whisper.

The wizard glances at the three boys. Merlin was smiling. "Oh right." He whispered. The wizard claps his hands three times. Merlin looked at the big round table. "Sugar bowl! The guests needs sugar for their tea!" He exclaimed.

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