Barley Lightfoot

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In Willowdale College, the blue burly elf was being escorted by his youngest brother.

They walked in the hallway.

As they reach to the blue skinny elf's dorm, the blue burly elf was enthusiastic. "This is it, Ian! We're gonna resume our quest to the teleportation gem from my favorite game! Yours truly! The Quest of Yore!" He exclaimed.

The blue skinny elf rolls his eyes with his smile. Ian unlocked his door with his dorm key. He turns the doorknob and opens his door. The blue skinny elf was confident. "Barley, we played your adventure game for a year." Ian mentioned.

Barley nodded his head. Then, the blue burly elf was thrilled. "And it's been one year since our last ACTUAL quest we've ever tried and succeeded." Barley said.

The Lightfoot brothers goes inside of Ian's dorm.

One year ago, Barley and Ian went to the Manticore's Tavern for their last quest. Unexpectedly, they first met the human princess of Dunbroch named Merida. The Lightfoot brothers didn't know her much until they reached the Loch Lake near The Brave Wilderness. Barley and Ian have been thru a lot with the Scottish red-curly-haired princess. They also brought her back to her home world. After Barley and Ian meets Mor'du in The Ring of Stones. It was the wizard elf who turned the demon bear into stone by his magic. While their times are getting more difficult than ever, Laurel and Officer Colt Bronco helped Merida to bring her home. The centaur got lost in the fog in The Brave Wilderness. The trio of Lightfoots made it to the castle on time. To the princess' fate to be the bear permanently. When Ian finished high school, he talked his elder brother into seeing him for their brother-bonding time. And it worked out really well.

Ian looks at him. "Okay, just which part of the last quest we went thru exactly?" He inquires.

Ian raised his eyebrow at him. "That princess with archery taught you to speak Scottish?" He inquires again.

Barley narrowed his eyes.

Ian chuckles at his elder brother.

Barley was annoyed at his youngest brother. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Ian." He said.

They headed to the sofa near the coffee table.

Ian sat on his left side. Barley sat on his right side.

The blue skinny elf immediately changed the topic. "So, how far are we in the teleportation gem quest?" Ian asked.

Barley set up the board game. Ian volunteers for help. Barley let him. The blue burly elf was smiling. "Well, we are close to the Loch Lake for the second time. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to battle the demon bear again." Barley answered in his explanation.

Ian was confused. "Wait, the demon bear again?" He inquires again.

Ian shrugs his shoulders. "I thought we didn't have the Mor'du card because it was clearly rare." He believed.

Barley was not worrying. "I know. But I try to draw the Mor'du card just like the actual one. So I got it prepared." He mentions.

The blue burly elf brought something out of his board game. Barley grins, like he's proud of his drawing practice. "Behold!" Barley exclaims.

The blue burly elf holds up the white index card. Barley drew the demon bear on it all right. The Mor'du sketch was not what the demon bear look like.

The bear's head was too small. The bear's ears are big as the centaur's ears. The bear's four paws are humongous like the pancakes with five big dots on each of them. The bear's teeth in its mouth was like the fangs of the snake. There was lots of little lines all over the demon bear's body. Certainly it's the bear's fur. And what's confusing to the drawing, there was the long tail behind the bear.

Ian was astonished at it for a moment. "Oooh..." he said.

Then, the blue skinny elf was concerned. "Did you try to draw the demon bear yourself, Barley?" Ian wondered.

The blue burly elf was perplexed. "Hey, I have been practicing for The Quest of Yore, Ian." Barley replied.

Ian points out the index card for his elder brother. "Does THAT look like Mor'du to you?!" He exclaimed in his inquiry.

Barley gestured the index card for his youngest brother. "The demon bear is pretty hard to draw with." He clarified.

Ian shows his elder brother the only bafflement on the index card. "Look at it! Mor'du has the dragon's tail!" He exclaims.

Barley checked the index card. He was pitiful. "Oh yeah. I kinda was drawing on the dragon too for fun." He clarifies.

Barley blinked his eyes three times. He was mystified at first.

Then, Barley was making his silliest face. "Geez...I have no idea I drawn that on the demon bear..." he said with his giggles.

Ian shrugs his shoulders again. He was emotionless. "Maybe you tried to multitask. Probably drawing both. Giving the dragon a no tail. While the demon bear got the dragon's tail." Ian speculates.

Barley took a deep breath. He was cheerful. "No used trying another draw attempt again. It's gonna take me hours to do a redraw." Barley uttered.

Ian sighs. He was smiling. "Okay, we'll go for there." Ian declared.

Then, the blue skinny elf raises his eyebrow at him. "But Barley, the teeth...It's a bear, not a snake..." Ian mentioned.

The blue burly elf was mischievous. "Just pretend it's a demon beast. Sounds better than Mor'du to me, Ian." Barley insisted.

The blue skinny elf rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

Ian sighed in annoyance. "Oh Barley..." he whispers.

Barley and Ian played The Quest of Yore for two and a half hours.

Barley and Ian embraced each other in the doorway.

They are happy.

The Lightfoot brothers released their hugging.

Barley smiles at his youngest brother. "See you next weekend, Ian." Barley said.

Ian was glad at his elder brother. He did missed him when he was in college. "Yeah, you too, Barley." Ian said.

Barley and Ian waved their goodbyes to each other.

Barley left Ian's dorm.

The blue burly elf was outside of Willowdale College. Barley was about to go to his orange van. He heard the zapping noises from his back. Barley was alarmed. "Oh no..." he said.

Barley hurries to Guinevere the Second.

The pink flashing light came from behind the orange van.

Barley was panicking. He wanted to escape the danger that comes to him. Barley grasps the van passenger door handle. He can feel the force taking the blue burly elf. "It could not be..." Barley said.

The blue burly elf faced the pink blinking light.

It was swirling counterclockwise. The pink magical opening was as big as the dragon's head.

Barley's eyes are widened with fear. "THE PINK HOLE!" He shouted.

The blue burly elf was losing his grab on the van passenger door handle.

Barley efforts to fight the pink portal but no avail.

The blue burly elf glances up to the second floor window. Barley called his youngest brother for help.

The blue burly elf called and called and called.

Until Barley slipped his hands out of the van passenger door handle...

The blue burly elf was being taken to the shifting pink magical opening.

Barley was terror-struck. "IAN!" He screamed.

The pink portal vanished after the blue burly elf.

Barley was in teleporting to the different world.

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