Where are we?

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The wizard in his blue robe was puzzled. "Now just a minute here." He said.

The wizard in his blue robe glances at the three men. "Would you three boys care to tell me how you got here?" He asked.

Kristoff, Varian and Barley are emotionless at the wizard human.

The blue burly elf was the first to respond. Barley shrugged. "The magic got us here." He answered.

The blue burly elf sits up steadily. Barley was perplexed. "Well it was the magical portal that got us here. Whoever did the portal, there must be a reason for bringing us here unexpectedly." He explained.

The mountain man got up instantly. Kristoff was skeptical. "Sir, are you the wizard really?" He wondered.

The blue burly elf faces the mountain man. Barley was smiling. "Of course this guy is the wizard. Unless he claims to be." Barley mentioned.

Kristoff narrowed his eyes at the blue burly elf.

The alchemist got up from the grassy ground. Varian brushes himself off.

The wizard in his blue robe gestures himself. He was annoyed. "Now, my name is Merlin. And I AM the good and powerful wizard." He introduced in his reply.

Barley extends his arms at Merlin. "See." Barley said.

Varian was curious. He raised his right index finger. "Question, Merlin, do you use your magic to create the portal?" Varian inquired.

Merlin scratched his head. He was puzzled again. "The portal? My magic made the portal?" Merlin inquires a couple questions.

Kristoff sighs. The mountain man was puzzling. "Merlin, are you sure you didn't do that?" Kristoff inquired.

Varian was solemn. The alchemist facepalmed himself. "Oh great. Not only we got teleported to somewhere we are not familiar with, I think we're stuck in the different timeline." Varian mentioned.

Kristoff looks at Varian. "Just what timeline did we end up in?" He asks.

The blue burly elf surveys the area. Barley was serious. "It must be the days of old." He answers.

Varian and Kristoff glanced at Barley. Varian raises his eyebrow at the blue burly elf. "Wait, the days of what?" He wonders.

Barley looked at Varian. Barley was smiling again. "The days of old. Where the adventurers takes dangerous quests for anything to find. Let's not forget to be aware of mythical creatures such as giants, dragons, ogres-" He tries to finish his explanation.

Kristoff was bothered. "The medieval times is what you're saying here." He replied in his guess.

Barley nodded his head at Kristoff. "Yeah." Barley confirms.

Kristoff crisscrossed his arms. The mountain man was skepticism. "I don't believe this." He said.

Varian, Barley and Kristoff are bewildered by another voice.

"You boys have to believe that. And the elf was right. Around here where you stand is the year of twelfth century CE."

The voice spoke.

Varian, Kristoff and Barley are glancing at each other. Then, they browsed around the trees, not even knowing where the voice comes from.

Merlin ponders with his frown. Then, the wizard recognizes that voice. Merlin was perplexing. The wizard looks up. "Archimedes?" He inquires.

The brown owl flew out from the tree. Then, it landed on the wizard's long blue hat. The brown owl seems to be stern. It stared at the wizard in his blue robe down.

Merlin continues to look up at the highest trees. "Archimedes, where are you?" Merlin inquires again.

Varian looked at Merlin. Varian was staring at something above the wizard. "Uhh, Merlin, I don't want to scare you." Varian said.

Merlin faced Varian blankly. "Yes, boy?" Merlin asked.

The brown owl stares at Varian.

The alchemist smiles awkwardly. "How can I put it about something here?" Varian inquired.

Kristoff was confusing. "You got an owl on your hat, Merlin." Kristoff mentions.

Merlin glances up at his hat. The wizard was surprised. "Oh!" He exclaimed.

The brown owl stared at the wizard.

Merlin was happy. "Heh, heh, heh. So there you are, Archimedes." He said.

The blue burly elf made his mischievous smile. "Huh, nice familiar pet of yours, Merlin." Barley complimented.

The brown owl got its eyes bugged out at the blue burly elf. "What-what-what?! Pet?!" It vented, flapping its feathered wings crazily.

Kristoff, Varian and Barley got their eyes widened with shock.

The brown owl shakes himself stressfully. It steps backwards on Merlin's hat a few times. "I-I-I-I begged your pardon?!" The brown owl argued.

Varian was astounded. The alchemist points at the brown owl. "That owl is alive!" He exclaims.

The blue burly elf holds Varian's shoulders, shaking him. Barley was staggered. "And it's talking to me! I am seeing the owl talking to me!" He exclaimed.

Varian waves frantically at the blue burly elf. The alchemist was grumpy. "Would you stop rattling me here?!" He ranted.

Barley backed away from Varian. Barley raises his both hands up. "Okay, okay." He said.

Kristoff was bemused at the brown owl. "You're creepy." He said.

Merlin was cheerful. He looked at the three men. "Now, calm down, boys. This talking owl here is Archimedes. He has been educated for some time ago." Merlin reassured.

Varian, Barley and Kristoff blinked their eyes several times. They are stunned.

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