1 - New School

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I woke up by the sound of a light knock on my door. I was lazy at first to get up but then did thinking it's going to be my first day in my new school and I don't want to be late. I opened the door to see my mom smiling at me. I mean who else could it be? We live alone lol.

"Good morning sweetie! Go get ready and come down for breakfast. I'll drop you at school" my mom greeted me with that usual glow on her face and I nodded with a slight smile and went onto doing my things like morning routines. I brushed my teeth, took a bath, did some skincare, did light make-up, did my hair and put on my outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror for one last time before smiling confidentially and going downstairs to have breakfast.

The food was already on the kitchen counter. It didn't took me any minutes to dig into the food as I was starving. We usually eat our meals at the kitchen counter unless there's some guests. I felt my mom stare at me while eating and her face looked a bit worried.

"What happened mom?" I asked with my face fully stuffed with waffles.
She just chuckled as she shook her head as a no "Nothing Honey!"
I decided to shrug it off and finish my breakfast. After I was done with that, I grabbed my backpack and ran to my mom's car. I got into it and mom signalled me to put the seatbelt on even if I hate doing so. It's a rule still. I did as she told and half of the ride was silent as I'm that type of person who doens't like to talk while travelling as I like to enjoy the things that is happening around not talk to someone.

When we reached a signal my mom stopped the car as the light was red. She cleared her throat indicating me that she have something to tell.

"Yes mom?" I said I was ready to listen to what she gotta say.
"Y/n.. honey actually uhm.. I'm dating my boss and we're moving to his house today so uh.. come back from school quickly" She said this with a 'sorry' expression and I couldn't really process anything as the people started honking cause we weren't moving even after the light turned green so mom mom started driving again while I was processing everything.

"I'm happy for you mom" I flashed her a genuine smile thinking she can't be a single mother forever.. our dad left us the moment i was born. When he realised I was a girl he just cursed at my mother and left and never came back again. That is a painful memory but seeing my mom happy is enough for me even If I'll have to adjust i mean who wouldn't like a new life anyways.
"You're not angry?" She asked kind of shook.
"Why would I be mom? It's your life and changes has to be made! I'm happy you found your one" I smiled at her and I saw tears forming in her eyes as she pulled up on just infront of the school.

"I love you take care and enjoy your first day" with that she left and I went inside. I felt so awkward as I'm an introvert and doens't like much attention. Everybody was staring at me but someone grabbed my attention by tapping on my shoulder. I turned around to see Jisoo. My one and only girl bestie from my childhood! It just took me seconds to jump on her and hug her tight before noticing my one and only boy bestie Mingi was there too.
"Mingi!!" I ran to him and hugged him tight as it have been like 2 years since we met. I moved out to U.S.A 2 years back and now I'm finally in Seoul. Re-uniting with my besties. I was so happy on seeing them that I started tearing up.

"Heyy Y/n stop it! You shouldn't cry at a precious moment like this!" Jisoo scolded me as she helped me wipe me tears and smiled at me.

"I missed you both so much!!! You know there's a lot to tell" I said excitedly as we started walking into the school building to get my schedules. We got my schedule and it was same as Mingi. Jisoo pouted as she wanted to spend more time with me. I chucked and patted her shoulders as we can meet at the recess. We nodded to each other after fixing the place to meet and headed to our classes.

In class we barely payed any attention as wer were so busy in sharing all the tiny diny details that happened in our lives. Some was funny and some was sad. When the class was over Mingi said he needed to go use the restroom so I went to the cafè just to see Jisoo waiting for me. I waved at her and walked towards her. I pulled out a chair and sat on it.

"Where's Mingi?" She asked.
"Oh he went to use the restroom"
She nodded and we both started talking and I confessed to her about my mom and her new relationship. She told me she is was so happy to hear this like finally my mom have someone. I felt so happy as there's someone who's so supportive and cleared all my problems.

Suddenly we saw Mingi coming to us while wiping his lips which had some blood on it.

"Mingi what happened?!" I asked him as I was concerned about him because he always gets in trouble without any reason.

"B-bangtan.." He whispered as Jisoo got angry and kind of did a whisper-shout at him.
"What Bangtan huh? What did they do to you?!"

"So uhm.. they were beating up an innocent guy and I felt bad so.. I tried to save him but nvm" He said while scratching the back of his neck.
"I've told you not to go near them haven't I?" Jisoo asked as she was clearly angry at him.

I was confused
"who's Bangtan?" I asked earning both of their attention as Jisoo started explaining.

"Bangtan boys aka BTS are just 7 boys who own the school or to be more clear. Their father owns the school and they're the biggest bullys in here. They beat up innocent guys for no reason. Just for an entertainment. No one dares to mess with them.

I was shook but that's when I heard the bell ring and me and Mingi rushed to class but while going to class we heard some screams and I accidentally bumbed into a short guy.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you-" he didn't even let me complete but
"Watch where you're going bitch" he talked to me so rudely by Mingi dragged me away from there. I was confused.

"He's one of the BTS member Jimin.." Mingi whispered to me as I made an 'O' face.

I didn't feel this place was a pleasant one so I decided to get over with the classes and go back to home as soon as possible.

When the ass was finally over, we exchanged our number and did a final group hug before parting our ways. I took the bus to my home and Saw my mom waiting.

"Y/n honey you're just in time! Go get ready I have your things packed okay?" she said while some muscular men with black suits were taking the luggage out. There wasn't much as I had only little bit of things. But the thing that surprised me is.. they sent a Limousine for just the two of us? Wow...


To be continued


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