Rainy Night

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Jungkook pulled out of the parking garage of his company into the pouring rain. He sighed to himself and said, "Well so much for speeding home. Gonna have to drive more careful now."
He turns on his radio, and turns it up loud to keep himself awake as he drives home. Then he pulls out on to the main road driving towards home.

He is now about 10 minutes from his house and he gets to a patch of road that is very dark and there was no one else driving on the road at this time because it is now 11:30pm so he decided to turn his headlights to the brighter setting.  His headlights lit up more of the darkness now and that's when he noticed someone laying on the side of the road. He pulls over close to where the body is making sure that the his headlights shine on the person.  Then he jumps out of his car to go and see if the person is alive or if there is anything he can do.

He walks over to the person laying on the ground and bends down to check for a pulse.  He feels a pulse but it seems slow to him. He sees that it is a boy and he got really concerned when he couldn't wake him up. So he scooped him up in his arms and carried him to his car. He put him in the passenger seat and reclined it. He shut the door and ran around the car and got in. He turns on the heater to heat them both up some because they are both soaked.  Then he reaches across the boy and grabs the seatbelt to hook it, while he is leaning across he feels that the boy is shaking badly.  He hooks it quickly while thinking I got to get home fast and get him warm.  So he starts driving towards home again a little faster. 

It doesn't take him long to get to his house after that. Within minutes he had pulled into his garage and parked his car. The garage lights had automatically came on so now he could see the boy next to him. He noticed right away that the boy was beautiful, totally angelic looking. But he also noticed that he was bleeding from his head, his left eye, his mouth, and there was also blood all over his clothes. Jungkook is so worried and can't even fathom what could have happened to this beautiful boy.  He grabs his phone and calls one of his friends that happens to be a doctor.

📱Dr. Kim- "Hello, Jungkook?  Is that you?"
📱Jungkook- "Yeah, it's me.  I'm sorry to call so late but I have an emergency, can you come to my house really fast?"
📱Dr. Kim- "Yes I can, but what happened are you okay?"
📱Jungkook- "I'm fine, it's someone else.  Please come quick."
📱Dr. Kim- "Yes, Okay!  I'm on my way!"

He hangs up and put his phone in his pocket.  He then got out and went around the car to the passenger door and opens it. He reaches in and unbuckles the seatbelt and then lifts the boy up in his arms. He kicks the car door shut and goes through the door that leads inside his house. He takes him upstairs to the guest room that is right across the hall from his room and lays him down on the bed. 

Jungkook goes into his room and quickly strips his wet clothes off, gets a towel and dries himself, and put on dry clothes.  Then he grabs another towel and some dry clothes for the boy.  He goes back into the guest room and looks at the boy laying on the bed. He thinks to himself again how beautiful the boy is, and how worried he is that he has not woken up yet.  He starts taking off his wet clothes and is completely shocked to see the amount of bruises, welts, scratches, and scars that are all over his body. Some of the welts are definitely new because they are still bleeding.  He also notices his arm looks badly bruised and swollen like it might be broken. He is extremely careful getting him all dried off and he puts the dry underwear on him. Jungkook is holding back tears while doing this and he wonders who did this to him.  Jungkook decides to leave the clothes off for now so the doctor can examine him.  He covers him up with a big quilt to warm him up and goes to put his clothes in the washer. 

While he is downstairs Dr. Kim arrives and Jungkook greets him and thanks him for coming so quickly. He tells him how he had found a boy on the side of the road and that he was unconscious and he hasn't woken up yet.  He also told him how he is covered in welts, bruises, and scars.  He went upstairs with him and shows him where the boy is and then leaves the doctor to examine him.

After about 15 minutes Jin yells for Jungkook to come in the room. When he goes in the room Jin says, "We are gonna need to take him to the hospital where I work. I need to do x-rays and a CAT scan. I'm afraid there is more wrong with him then I can figure out just by looking at him."1
Jungkook looks at him with a concerned face and said, "Okay, I'm gonna wrap him up in this quilt and bring him like that. I will also bring clothes for him so after you get him all checked out he will have clothes to put on."
Jungkook went to his room and grabbed a backpack and put extra clothes and some slippers in it. He handed the bag to Jin to carry for him and he wrapped the boy up in the quilt and scooped him up. Then he told Jim that he will hold him in the backseat. So they both went out and got into Jin's car and headed to the hospital.

It did not take long to get to the hospital. As soon as they got there they rushed inside and Jungkook laid the boy down on a gurney and they wheeled him straight to get the X-rays and CAT scan done. Jungkook went to sit in the waiting room to wait for the Jin to be done with the boy and doing whatever he needs so he can take him home. Jungkook was thinking to himself how he will definitely be helping the boy with whatever he needed and make sure he is safe.

⚠️⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️⚠️
Angst - talking about bad injuries that were inflicted  on the boy due to the abuse he endured throughout his lifetime.

It has been 2 hours now and Jungkook is so worried about what is happening. What could possibly be going on that would take so long. A nurse had came out and told him 1 1/2 hours ago that Dr. Kim sent her to tell him that he had to take the boy in for an emergency surgery right away. 

Another hour has gone by and Jungkook is losing his mind and that's when he sees Jin walking into the waiting room. He walks over to Jungkook and sits down.
Then he says, "I don't know who this person is or who has been hurting him, but it looks like that he has been severely abused for quite a while.  Also, I don't think he is a boy, looking at all his scans and his organs while I was operating, I believe he is older.  At least 18 or older.   Whoever he is bough, he needed to be rescued.  He has so many old injuries and scars not to mention the newer ones.  The reason we rushed him to surgery is because he was bleeding internally really bad.  We had to remove his spleen, and his liver is bruised.  Now the liver will heal on its own. He will be staying here 4 or 5  days and then he will need probably another week or two of bed rest and yet another 2 weeks before getting back to normal activity. He also has 3 broken ribs, a broken arm, and old break in his right ankle that hadn't healed right so we had to rebreak it and set it the right way and cast it as well.  So he has his stomach all wrapped up tight to hold the ribs in place and also covering the bandages covering his incision.  Then he has a cast on his arm and a cast on his ankle." 

Jungkook asked, "What caused him to pass out and not wake back up?" 
Jin said, "He was bleeding bad internally and he had to have been in severe pain, but he was barely alive when we got him here." 
Jungkook felt so heart broken and couldn't help the tears that ran down his cheek.  He did not understand how someone could hurt someone so badly.  He asked, "Will he wake up now?  I mean he will wake up right?"
Jin said, "He should wake up, we fixed everything and gave him some blood.  He will be in a lot of pain, but we will help him with that.  Also, he has strong antibiotics going in his IV and he will have to go home with a prescription for antibiotics to take at home. 
Jungkook nods his head head yes and and says, "That's fine and anything else he needs, whatever it is, I will be covering his entire bill.  Just let me know how much it is.  Thank you so much Jin.
Jin reaches over and hugs Jungkook and says, "You're very welcome, Oh and since we don't know who he is we put the name John Smith on his records, we can fix that though when he wakes up and tells us who he is."  Jungkook knods and smiles at Jin and then he says, "so can I go see him now?"
Jin nods his head and smiles at Jungkook with knowing eyes and asks, "You feel something for him, even though you don't know him, don't you?"
Jungkook looked up at him and said, "I know that is stupid or weird, but I do.  I want to take care of him and protect him.  I want to make sure the rest of his life is so much better.  I want to make sure he gets better, gets the help he needs, and he is happy." 
Jin says, "I don't think that is stupid or weird, there is something about that boy, I feel it too.  He is special and deserves to be happy.  Also, it's because you are a good person Jungkook.
Now come on I will take you to his room so you can see him, he should wake up soon."

A/N: I hope you all are enjoying the story. Thanks for reading, please comment and vote.

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