Can You Hear Me

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*** Long Chapter

Today is the day for Taehyung's surgery.  Taehyung and Jungkook are both excited but nervous.  Jungkook denied his breakfast too because he said he was not gonna eat in front of Taehyung.  The nurse had just came through on her rounds and did her usual.  Checked his incision, checked for swelling, put new bandages, checked his IV, and put a new antibiotic bag on his IV.  Dr. Kim had came in and checked on Taehyung too, and let them know that he would be back by to see them right before surgery time.
Right now they are cuddling, Jungkook is holding Taehyung close to his chest like he likes it.  They have been talking and writing back and forth, just getting to know each other better. 
Jungkook has a lot of thoughts going around in his head.  He is feeling some really strong feelings for Taehyung.  He believes it's love, but he feels it's too soon.  He knows for sure that he wants to keep him safe, take care of him, and always make him happy. 
Taehyung also has lots of thoughts going on.  He wants to be close to Jungkook all the time.  He loves the way it feels when he touches him,  when Jungkook kisses his head or forehead he feels like he is melting.  He just doesn't understand why Jungkook would want anything to do with someone like him.  Jungkook was running his fingers through Taehyung's hair and ended up putting him to sleep.  Then Jungkook fell asleep too, leaning on Taehyung's head.

Several hours had passed and Jungkook woke up to the door opening and Jin walking in. Jin said, "I'm heading to the Operating room now to get it ready, the surgeons have arrived and are ready to get started.  The nurses will be here shortly to bring Taehyung up to the operating room."  Jungkook got even more nervous and he said, "Okay, I will get him awake.  Please take good care of him and keep him safe."  Jin smiled and said, "He is gonna be fine.  Try not to worry, okay?"  Jungkook answered, "I'm trying but he has become very important to me and I need for him to be okay."
Jin said, "I know, I have seen it. He is gonna be fine. I'm gonna go now, get him awake they will be here soon to get him."  Jin left the room and Jungkook started waking up Taehyung.  He kissed his forehead, cheeks, and the tip of his nose.  He started rubbing his cheek and Taehyung's eyes opened and looked at Jungkook. 
He got his phone and typed...

Hey sleepyhead, I have been trying for a while to wake you up.  The nurses are about to come get you to take you for your surgery.

Taehyung read what he had typed on his phone and said, "Already, I'm r-really scared, I w-want this surgery and I-I w-want to hear a-again so b-bad, but I'm so s-scared."  Jungkook typed...

It's gonna be okay baby, you're gonna do great. 

The nurses came in the room to get Taehyung and when they started to push the gurney out Jungkook stopped them.  He said, "Give me a minute please."  He got out his phone and typed...

I'm gonna be right here waiting for you. Be my brave baby again, okay?  You're gonna do great and then they are gonna bring you back to me, okay?

He showed it to Taehyung so he could read it. Taehyung smiled his beautiful smile and said, "I w-will, See y-you when I g-get b-back."  Jungkook leaned over and kissed him on his forehead and then they pushed Taehyung out of the room.
Jungkook sat down on the little couch bent over with his head in his hands. His mind was going because he was so worried. He decided to call his dad to check on how everything was at their company and to fill him in on what was going on while he waited so he could keep his mind from worrying for a while.

So he dialed his dad's number...
📱Jk's Dad- "Hey son, Is everything okay?"
📱Jk- "Yeah, how is everything at the company?"
📱Jk's Dad- "Everything is busy, but going smoothly.  You have done a great job running things here.  I'm so proud of you.  Now are you gonna fill me in on what's going on with you?"
📱Jk- "Yes dad, that is actually the reason why I called.  It's kind of a long story, so please listen until I'm done and then you can comment and ask questions, Okay dad?"
📱Jk's Dad- "Okay son, I promise I will listen and not say anything until you're done talking."
📱Jk- "Okay, well it started 3 nights ago, when I called you real early, I hadn't been asleep yet. On my way home I found a boy unconscious on the side of the road. Since then I have found out that he is 19 so he is a man not a boy, but anyway I pulled over to check on him. He had a pulse but I could not wake him up, so I picked him up and took him to my house. I called my friend Jin to come over and check on him. When he came he realized that there was way more wrong with him and said that we needed to take him to the hospital where he works to get X-rays, and a cat scan so that's what we did. Come to find out this poor man had been held captive by his parents. They never let him go anywhere they had even taken him out of school when he was nine because people were asking questions. He was abused and neglected his whole life. The X-ray and CT Scan showed that he had bones that had been broken and healed wrong,
a broken arm, 3 broken ribs, bruised liver, he was bleeding internally really bad and they had to take out his spleen. He has scars all over his body and had new bleeding welts from a belt on his stomach, he is covered in bruises and gashes. Dad they tortured him and let him go days at a time with no food and left him home alone locked in his room for days all by himself, but when they were with him they would abuse him. When he was 15 his father slammed his head against the wall so hard that it knocked him out and when he woke up his ears were ringing really loud and he couldn't hear. When the ringing stopped he still couldn't hear. Jin did another CT scan on his ears and found that the bones in his inner ear were broken. Jin got some high ranked specialists to come and do his surgery. He might get his hearing back. So this why I needed the time off. He has 2 casts, an incision from his surgery, his broken ribs, and the bruised liver so he can't get up and move around at all. Plus now with the ear surgery, I'm not sure what aftercare he will need from that. I am gonna be here to help him, take care of him, and keep him safe. I'm not leaving his side until he can get up and move around on his own.
Okay, I'm ready to hear your comments and answer your questions.  What are you thinking dad?"
📱Jk's Dad- "Well first thing I have to say is that I feel so blessed to have such a good and caring person for a son. I'm gonna say it again, I'm so proud of you son.  Next, you're covering all of his bills right?  Make sure he gets the best care son.  It sounds like he has been living in hell.  Make it better for him now.  If you need anything you let me know.
Finally, son I may be mistaken but I sense you have feelings for him, don't you?"
📱Jk- "Yes, I am paying his hospital bills and for him to have the best specialists and when he can leave the hospital he is coming to my house to live with me. Also, yes I do have feelings for him. I can't explain it because I just met him, but dad he is so special and all I want to do is take care of him and make sure the rest of his life is happy. He deserves to be so happy and taken care of and loved. Am I being stupid?"
📱Jk's Dad- "I don't think you're being stupid, I totally believe in love at first sight. I knew I was gonna marry your mother after 3 days. So if you feel that strongly for him than follow your heart son. Take good care of him and show him love that he clearly has never received."
📱Jk- "Thank you dad, I will! Also, thank you again for covering for me. I love you!"
📱Jk's dad- "You're welcome my boy, I will always have your back and be on your side. I love you too! I gotta go now, call me later. Bye son."
📱Jk- "Bye dad"

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