Meeting the Angel

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Jungkook walked into the hospital room and walked over to the side of the bed and looked at the beautiful boy. He leaned in and kissed his forehead and said, "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I am the one that found you on the side of the road. I don't know who did this to you, but I got you and I will make sure you get better and I will keep you safe." He kept looking at him and realized he definitely was not a boy.  His face was gorgeous with a sharp jaw line.   He thought to himself, He is a man, a very beautiful man.

Then he pulled a chair right beside his bed and sat down. He took his hand in his and rubbed it softly while he sat there and stared at him looking at all the bandages, his two casts, and all the wires. Then he looked at all the machines and monitors around him. He noticed how his right leg with the cast on his ankle, and his left arm with the cast were both propped up on pillows.  He just shook his head while he thought, He is gonna need a lot of help, someone to take care of him until he is back on his feet.  I want to be the one to take care of him.  I need to take some time off from work.

Jungkook pulled out his phone and called his dad.
📱Jk's Dad- "Son hello, are you okay?  What happened, it's after 3 in the morning."
📱Jk- "I have had a very important emergency come up and I am gonna need to take a couple weeks off.  Would you be able to cover for me.  I can do some work from home too, but I won't be able to come into the office. 
📱JK's Dad- "Are you alright son, did something happen to you?  Are you hurt? It's so early, why are you even awake?"
📱JK- "No, I'm not hurt I'm totally fine.  I just need you to cover me for about two weeks, please dad?  I promise I will call you later and fill you in on everything."
📱JK's Dad- "Of course son, you know I always have you covered.  Call me when you can.  I love you."
📱JK- "I love you too dad.  Thank you so much and if I can help with anything from home let me know.  Thanks again, bye dad."
Jungkook hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

Jungkook was still holding his hand and he had been rubbing it the whole time.  He had trees running down his cheeks uncontrollably because he was thinking about what this beautiful person must have went through to have these kind of injuries.  Jungkook laid his head down on the bed next to him.  He kept on holding his hand, he just wanted to be there for him.  He wanted him to know that he wasn't alone.

It had been about 3 hours and Jungkook woke up to the sound of crying and he felt the bed moving.  He sat up and looked up to see that the beautiful man was crying.  When he noticed that the stranger was now looking at him he said, "Who ar-are y-you?  Where a-am I? Please d-don't hurt m-me!  I'll b-be a g-good boy." 
Jungkook couldn't believe how beautiful his voice was.  So deep and smooth, it was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. Jungkook wanted to always hear his voice from now on, he loved it.  But he was saddened by what the boy had just said, Poor baby is so scared. Jungkook tried to answer him and touch him to comfort him, which scared him more.  He was shaking, crying and he said, "P-Please, I don't kn-know w-where I am and I d-don't kn-know who you a-are.  I a-am already h-hurting so b-bad, I can't t-take anymore.  P-Please d-don't h-hurt me l-like he did." 
So Jungkook stopped trying to touch him or talk to him he just pressed the call button to get a nurse.

When the nurse came in she checked the machines and all of his vitals were fine. She looked at Jungkook and said, "I'll go get Dr. Kim so he can check the patient."
By this time the boy is just laying really still, he was crying and looking scared to death. Jungkook is still trying to talk to him, but the boy is just laying there looking petrified.

Dr. Kim came into the room and walked toward the bed. The boy noticed that the doctor was trying to talk to him now too.  He realized he was gonna have to let them know that he can't hear them. 
So he said, "I am d-deaf I can't h-hear wh-what you are s-saying t-to me, I'm sorry, w-where am I?"
So then since Dr. Kim knows sign language, he starts to sign to the boy. The boy starts shaking his head, and says, "I'm so s-sorry, I w-was never t-taught sign language, c-can you p-please write down what y-you are t-trying to t-tell me."
Dr. Kim takes his notebook out of the pocket of his lab coat and writes...

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