Be My Boyfriend

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**Long Chapter**

~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip 4 Weeks ~~~~~~~~~~

Time has gone by pretty fast, it has been 6 weeks since that rainy night that changed both Jungkook and Taehyung's life.  They have been inseparable and grown so close over these 6 weeks.  They both feel like they have known each other a lot longer than that.  Taehyung has continued to go to work with Jungkook everyday and everything has went pretty good.
Taehyung is all healed physically, but mentally is a totally different story.

The court date against his parents was a little over 3 weeks ago, it was really hard for Taehyung.  It brought back all the memories of being in that hell with his parents.  He had to testify of course, which meant he had to talk about everything they did to him. 

He had a complete breakdown and Jungkook ended up having to carry him off the stand and out of the court room.  He took him into the bathroom and sat him on the counter and stood in front of him and held him.  He rubbed circles on his back with one hand and ran his fingers from the other hand through his hair.  All while whispering in his ear that it's okay, he has him and he don't ever have to be near them again.  That nobody will ever hurt him again, and how much he loves him. 

The decision of the court was in Taehyung's favor though.  They put his parents away, his mother got 20 years to life and his father got 40 years to life with no chance of parole.  His father got more time because so much more of the beatings were done by him and his dumbass had yelled out at Taehyung while Jungkook carried him out that he was such a pussy, and that he got all he deserved because he was worthless faggot.  Any money and assets including the house and cars that were sold, goes to Taehyung. 

Taehyung hasn't said one word since his breakdown on the stand.  The night of the hearing his nightmares started back up.  They are worse than ever, he thrashes around and screams.  Jungkook holds him tight and tries to calm him by whispering in his ear and kissing him on his head, forehead, cheeks, anywhere he can.  He can usually calm him down in just a couple minutes, and Jungkook just holds him while he cries.  Jungkook ends up crying too because he hates to see Taehyung like that.

Jungkook is angry that Taehyung had to go through that and now he is like this and he doesn't know how to help him.  Jin told him that he is gonna have to find him a psychiatrist to help him, but Jungkook said to get him to talk about it?  That's what started it in the first damn place.  Jin told him that it would be different talking with a psychiatrist because they will know how to help him.  Jungkook said he is gonna give it a little longer and if he doesn't get better he will get him help then.  He said that two weeks ago and he still hasn't done anything though. 

Today they have to go to the hospital and get Taehyung's casts removed at 10am.  It's a Wednesday and Jungkook let his secretary know that he would not be in until about 1pm.
His secretary has been giving him attitude ever since he got back from his leave of absence. Before she was always very assertive, but very flirty. Jungkook had always just let it go, but now that he is noticing her attitude he has about had enough. He is gonna have to end up firing her.

They arrive at the hospital a little early, but Dr. Kim went ahead a had them come on back to an exam room.  He walked them to the room and said, "Go ahead and wait inside here.  I will be back in about 10 minutes."
So they go on inside the exam room and Jungkook helped Taehyung sit up on the exam table and gave him a quick kiss.  He stood in front of Taehyung in between his legs and wrapped his arms around him.  He hugged him close to his chest, kissed his head and said, "I miss your voice and your beautiful smile so much.  Baby, can you please say something for me?  Please baby, at least a little smile?"
Taehyung buried his face into Jungkook's neck and nuzzled into him.  Jungkook hugged him tight and said, "Okay baby, I think we are gonna need to get you a psychiatrist to help you.  I will go with you to your appointments if you want, but baby you are not okay.  I just don't want you to suffer anymore.  Your parents are gone, so it's time for us and our future. I love you so much baby, I want you to be healthy and happy and us to be together for the rest of our lives."

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