CT Scan

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The next morning Jungkook and Taehyung both woke up when the breakfast trays were brought in. Jungkook had just got both of their trays ready and had sat down to eat when Dr. Kim came in the room with his bag of stuff he asked him to get from his house and his keys. Jungkook smiled and said, "Good morning, thank you so much. You can sit the bag on that chair and just lay my keys on the table." Jin went over and sat the bag down and laid his keys down and then looked back at Jungkook and said, "You're welcome. Not a problem at all. So, did you tell him about the CT Scan?" Junkook answered, "Yes I did, he is hopeful that he will be able to hear again." Jin smiled and said, "Okay, good I am too. So tell him that I said hi and I will see him in a little bit for his scan. I got to go take care of a couple things before that. See you soon."

After Jin left the room Taehyung said, "What d-did he bring y-you and what did he s-say?" Jungkook took his phone out of his pocket and typed...

Dr. Kim had went by our house this morning to get my shower and shaving stuff, some clothes, and my phone charger so that is what's in the bag.  Then he was asking if you were okay with the CT Scan and I told him that you were hopeful. He said to tell you hi, and that he will see you for the scan.

Taehyung read what he had typed and nodded in response. He started eating his breakfast and he kept humming at how good each bit was. Jungkook smiled at him and typed on his phone...

You really like the food here huh? You have been eating so good and you hum with each bite.

Taehyung read what he had typed and he blushed and looked down shyly while he said, "E-Everything is just so g-good, I have n-never had any of this before and I really like how it all tastes." Jungkook's smile dropped and he picked up his phone and starting typing...

Baby, we had club sandwiches with French fries, Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and fruit, and now this is pancakes, bacon, eggs, and more fruit. You have never had any of these?

Taehyung read what he typed and shook his head and said, "No, and l-last night I l-liked the f-fizzy water and I r-really like this that I'm d-drinking now." Jungkook didn't know what to think, he was happy that Taehyung was enjoying his food and drinks, or sad that he didn't know what it was. He picked up his phone and started typing again...

That wasn't fizzy water baby, that was soda called Sprite and that juice you are drinking now is Orange juice. What did you eat and drink before?"

Taehyung read what he had typed and answered, "Mostly toast and ramen noodles, when I got to eat. Some days I just drank water out of the sink in my bathroom. I always drank water. I had a hamburger a couple times and I remember having milk when I used to go to school, but that's about it." Jungkook felt like crying again, he picked up his phone and typed...

Well from now on you will eat a lot of different things and you will be eating three meals a day and snacks. You will eat whenever you want and I will get you whatever you want, so my baby will be healthy and happy."

Taehyung read what was on his phone and blushed bright red again and said, "Why do you care about me so much, you just met me?" Jungkook started typing on his phone...

I can't explain it, ever since I found you on the side of the road night before last I have felt a special connection to you and I know that I want to take care of you. Make sure you are safe, healthy, and happy.

Taehyung read what he typed again and said, "Oh okay I get it. You feel sorry for what I have been through and now I'm your responsibility to make sure I'm okay." Jungkook frowned at his words and furrowed his brows, he picked up his phone and started typing...

My Hero, My Angel BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ