A Glimpse Of Hope

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**** Long Chapter

Jungkook wakes up to Jin coming in the room.  Jin smiles and whispers, "Hey, I was just wanting to check on how he is doing. You both look very cozy, did he have a hard time sleeping?"  Jungkook looks at the time and then whispers back, "He fought his sleep and told me he didn't want to sleep. It was like he was scared of sleeping, when I told him that I would hold his hand to make sure he was safe to sleep he started crying. He said that no one has ever cared for him like that before. That made me so sad, he is 19 years old and nobody cared for him at all.  He asked if I would mind laying next to him and then I asked him if I could hold him.  He didn't know if he would like that or not.  My heart is completely broken over what his life must have been like. He has only been asleep for two hours and he is sleeping so peacefully, I don't want to wake him up.  I think it's been a really long time since he slept like this."

Jin nods his head in acknowledgment and whispers again, "Okay, It is only 7am right now so I will let them know to hold off on his breakfast and the nurses making rounds on him for now.  He does need to eat though, I don't think he has done much of that in a while either.  Also, I called Hobi to file the report and he is coming to the hospital to talk to Taehyung and to have him and I sign it.  He will be here at 10am.  So I will wake you right before that and then after he leaves he will need to be checked and he will need to eat."

Jungkook said, "Okay good, that will give him almost 3 more hours to sleep.  That will be good, just ring my phone it is in my pocket it will wake me up.  it will be really nice to see Hobi again.  It has been a while since I saw him.  So call me about 9:45 and I will get him awake and let him know that the detective is coming."  Jin nodded in response and said, "Okay, sounds good.  Oh, and I was thinking, Taehyung talks pretty good.  I mean he stutters some, but I think he could hear up until sometime not to long ago for him to be able to talk so well.  I'm wondering how he lost his hearing.  Can you ask him about it, see if he remembers how?"  Jungkook looks blankly like he is deep thought and then nods his head and says, "Okay, I will try to get him to talk about it."

While Jungkook and Jin were talking Taehyung cuddled up more into Jungkook's chest.  Jin smiles real big and says, "He is adorable and it looks like he trusts you, and it also looks like you really like holding him like that."  Jungkook kisses Taehyung on the forehead while he pushes some hair back off of his face and then he looks up at Jin and says, "Last night while we were talking, he told me that he feels safe with me here.  I told him that I am going to be right here with him the whole time. I promised I would not leave this room.  I know my feelings for him are getting stronger.  I don't know exactly what is happening, but I do know that I will not be going anywhere.  I will be right here with him, watching over him until we go home."

Jin smiled real big and said, "l really like this side of you Jungkook,  I can have trays for you brought with Taehyung's food, but you are gonna need to shower and change your clothes at some point."  Jungkook says, "I hadn't really thought about that, but I'm not leaving him at all, I already promised him.  Would you mind going by my house later and get some stuff for me?  I can shower right here in his bathroom.  I can text you a list of a few things to get, you know where my room is.  It will all be in my closet and bathroom."  Jin nodded his head and answered, "Yeah, I can do that.  I will go by your house on my way into work tomorrow.  Just text me your list and exactly where everything is and I will get it and bring it to you.  I'm gonna go for now, I will call you at 9:45 to wake you to get Taehyung awake for when Hobi will arrive."

Jungkook says, "Okay, thank you so much.  Then you can go ahead and take my keys now so I don't forget to give them to you.  They are laying right there on that table."  Jin picks up the keys and then says, "You're welcome and I will see you in a little bit." Then Jin left the room.

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