It Feels So Good

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They have been home from Taehyung's therapy session for about an hour.  Taehyung is still asleep on the couch and Jungkook is in his office working on answering emails and checking on everything at the office. 

Taehyung wakes up and slowly sits up and looks around.  It takes him a minute to realize where he is and he is trying to remember what happened before and how he got to be asleep here.  Then it hits him that they were in the car after therapy on their way home and he don't remember getting home.  So then he thinks to himself, "Jungkookie must of carried me inside, but then where is he? I need to go find him."  So he stands up and starts searching the house for him.

He searched the kitchen, their room, and the bathroom.  He was getting upset, he was thinking that Jungkook had left him by himself and went to the office or something.  Tears were rolling down his pretty face, he was not liking the feeling of being alone.  Then he remembered Jungkook's home office and he practically ran and opened the door and there he was sitting at his desk talking on his phone and typing on his computer.   Taehyung started crying harder from the relief that washed over him.  He walked straight to Jungkook and crawled in his lap, straddled him and buried his face in his neck.  Jungkook quickly hung up his phone and wrapped his arms around him and squeezed while asking, "Hi baby, did you sleep good?"  Then he heard the sobs coming from Taehyung and pulled him back so he could see his face.  He saw the red swollen eyes, red nose, and tears pouring down his face.  He got concerned and asked, "Oh my baby, what happened?  Why are you crying?"
Taehyung answered, "I-I woke u-up and I l-looked everywhere a-and I couldn't f-find you, I b-began to think th-that you left m-me here b-because I w-was asleep and y-you had to g-go to the o-office for something.  I-I started getting a-a bad feeling, l-like I used t-to do when I w-was alone a-all the time.  Th-Then I remembered y-your office and h-here you are a-and I was s-so relieved to s-see you.  I really d-don't like b-being alone." 
Jungkook pulled him closer, kissed the top of his head and said, "Oh my baby, I will never leave you alone.  I know what you have told me and I will never do anything to make you feel bad and bring up bad feelings at least not on purpose.  I'm so sorry baby.  I didn't mean to stay in here this long, I was gonna come back out there and cuddle you.  I was just gonna check my emails, but there was so many and then Jimin called because he had a question about the client he was meeting today.  I'm so sorry though baby, I didn't mean to make you upset."   Taehyung snuggled into his neck and breathed in his scent and then said, "It's o-okay I'm just g-glad that I f-found you and n-now I'm n-not letting g-go of you f-for the rest o-of the day."
Jungkook hugged him tighter and said, "That's fine with me because I don't plan on letting you go either."
Taehyung lifted his head and looked straight into Jungkook's eyes and said, "Th-Thank you s-so much, y-you are the b-best boyfriend.  Y-You said th-that you w-weren't gonna go t-to the o-office and that t-today would j-just be a-about us and m-me healing, a-and you d-did it, you c-called off and w-we came b-back home. Y-You always m-make me feel so i-important, like I-I'm the o-only one that matters. I-I love you s-so m-much!" Taehyung is lightly crying and Jungkook reaches up and wipes his tears away and leans in and they kiss passionately then Junkook said, "Tae baby, you are the most important thing in this entire world. You are the only one that matters. If I had to give up my company, house, cars, and all my money to be able to be with you I wouldn't even hesitate to do that. You are my world baby."
Taehyung blushes and then buries his face back into Jungkook's neck.  He wraps his arms around his neck and starts running his hand through his hair.  Then Taehyung starts kissing and biting Jungkook's neck.
Jungkook was really liking how it was feeling and he was getting hard quick.  He tipped his head back to give Taehyung more space and then he asked, "What are you doing baby?"
Taehyung lifted his head up to look at Jungkook, blushing badly he said, "Y-You told me t-to let you know w-when I'm ready, w-well I'm ready.  I-I want you t-to do what you w-were talking about th-
this morning."  Jungkook smiled and said, "I would love to baby boy, are you sure?"
Taehyung started kissing Jungkook passionately pouring all the love that he has for him into the kiss.  Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung and pulls him closer and deepened the kiss. Taehyung moans into the kiss as he bucks his hips forward and their clothed hardened dicks rub together. Jungkook pulled out of the kiss and said, "I will take that as a yes!" 

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