Chapter 13: "Now that's it's over..."

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Dinah goes over, and tries to wake the sleeping child various times. "Wake up little one."

Vanessa wakes up slowly.

"She was sleeping good." Lauren says with a laugh as Camila brings some food, pancakes and bacon.

"Wait.!" Dinah says taking it. "OK here." She says a minute later.

Vanessa becomes curious. "Why do you guys do that.?"

"You never know she could've mixed cocaine in with this. That's what I had to smell them." Dinah says with a laugh.

"I Don't even use cocaine where would I get it from.?" Camila asks.

"Mani." Dinah says coughing to cover it up as we all laugh.

"Shh you weren't supposed to tell that..just kidding." Normani says with a laugh.

"For a minute I thought she actually used it." Ally says.

"Are you going to school today.?" Dinah asks, putting Vanessa on her lap.

"Uh..Yeah I guess." I say getting up, and going in the other room,

" I say getting up, and going in the other room,

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"Ugh fine." Lauren says getting up

"Let me want to go back to sleep.?" I ask her while she's driving.

"Yeah I absolutely hate being out this early.!" She says coming around to open my door.

"Well then why'd you bring me.?" I ask her.

"I don't know to tell you the truth. Bye.!" She says after walking me to the door.

"Bye.!" I say going in, and shuffling my music.

Ally's Mom decides to comment on Vanessa's vocal skills. "You have a really good voice."

Everything is fine until Vanessa's math class. "Good afternoon...class."


The subject comes up of non updated grades. "I haven't had time."

"You have a whole free period to do nothing."

"I do not do completely nothing during that period. I gather my lesson plans for you guys.! Appreciate me for once.!"

"I think she means her lesson plans for what she's gonna teach her husband when she finds one."

Emma laughs lowly. "Agreed."

"What was that Vanessa.? Want to share with the class.?" She asks.

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