Chapter 1

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Northern France
November 1917

The front was oddly quiet that morning, not a single shot had been fired from the two sides to the surprise of many. Men here rest 5 miles behind the front.

Outside of a little village, was a German camp. Two men, one old and the other young, are resting by a bonfire just outside of camp, attempting to keep warm during the harsh winter months. The nearby forest was covered in a new layer of snow.

 The nearby forest was covered in a new layer of snow

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Stanislaus "Kat" Katczinsky

Stanislaus "Kat" Katczinsky

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TJADEN(Imagine them in the 1917 uniforms)Tjaden: warum brauchen sie so lange? (Why do they take so long?)

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(Imagine them in the 1917 uniforms)
Tjaden: warum brauchen sie so lange? (Why do they take so long?)

Kat: Tjaden, Sie wissen ja, wie sie sind, wahrscheinlich haben sie die Mission vergessen und sind einem Schmetterling hinterhergejagt. (Tjaden, You know how they are, probably forgot about the mission and went off chasing a butterfly.) said the older man in a sarcastic tone

Tjaden: Glaubst du, der Bauer hat sie dieses Mal tatsächlich erwischt? (Do you think the farmer actually got them this time?) A worried expression was present over his face

Tjaden: Sicherlich hat er ihre Gesichter inzwischen erkannt (surely he has recognized their faces by now)

Kat: Das ist das sechste Mal, dass wir ihn in den letzten 2 Monaten bestohlen haben, er muss inzwischen stinksauer auf uns sein. (This is the sixth time we've stolen from him in the last 2 months, he must be pissed off at us by now)

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