Chapter 12

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(I'll start putting accents in the dialogue but not to the point it gets excessive)
"Weiss, hold up!" said Kropp while chasing after Weiss

Weiss had taken off running the moment the transport had touched the ground. Ruby and Kropp followed after her. They had heard that Weiss' sister, Winter, was an elite Atlas specialist and were interested in meeting her. They just hoped she wasn't as entitled and self centered as her younger sister.

Neither Kropp or Ruby had seen Weiss this excited and happy before, they felt like they were witnessing a rare phenomenon.

Weiss finally stopped running once they reached the landing pads. In there they were able to catch a glimpse of Winter walking out of the ship alongside 20 atlas robots. She looked almost identical to Weiss. The only difference was Winter's height, haircut and her looked after military uniform.

"That's your sister?" Asked Ruby "she looks just like you"

Weiss ignored her friend's comment and called out to her sister "Winter!" She yelled.
Weiss accompanied by both Ruby and Kropp ran up to winter. "WINTER IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" Weiss said excitedly before changing to her usual tone"Oh! You're presence honors us" She said as she bowed down

"You vow down to your own sister?" Kropp asked weirded out before receiving a blow to the groin by Weiss that dropped him to his knees

"Beacon, it's been a long time" said Winter as she viewed the school with a feeling of nostalgia. "The air feels...different"

"I mean it is fall so it's probably colder..." Uttered Ruby before earning a hit to her stomach by Weiss that also dropped her to her knees.

"So, what are you doing here?" Weiss asked "classified" responded her older sister barely paying attention. "Oh right. So, how long are you staying?" Asked Weiss "classified" replied Winter yet again.

Well, this is nice...I think" mentioned Ruby


"I'm more than aware on how this kingdom handles its bureaucracy, that is not why I came" Stated the older Schnee in a serious tone. "Right I'm sorry!" Replied Weiss "Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail miserably in battle" Said Winter

To Kropp and Ruby Winter was starting to seem like just a bigger version of Weiss, just as self centered and entitled.

"But we won?" Said Weiss not following

"Only a novice would call that a victory. I noticed atleast 3 strikes missed"

"Only 3?" Replied Kropp "That's not that bad, she's just a freshmen and that fight was really tight!" He said trying to put some sense in Winter's head. Weiss glared at him while Winter just turned to look at him before turning to the atlas robots behind her "Leave us" the robots obeyed her orders and backed off a little bit.

Winter sighed before turning back to her sister "So, how have you been"

"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking."
"I'm actually at the very top ranking of our sparring class. The rest of my studies are going-" Before Weiss could finish, her sister delivered a slap to her cheek leaving a very notorious mark. "Silence you dolt!" Yelled Winter "I asked how you are, not your ranking."  "Have you been eating properly, have you taken up new hobbies, are you making new friends" She questioned

"Well there's Ruby... and Albert" Said Weiss as she pointed at Ruby with her left hand at Kropp with her right. Ruby waved at Winter while Kropp glared at her, but Winter wasn't intimidated.

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