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An: Italic words are spoken in the High Valyrian language.


"Master... Wake up." I heard it while I'm sleeping and I can feel them nudging my hoof with their cane.

"It's the bastard. Why is she here?" Another old man spoke.

"Is she drunk? I just saw her as the morning came."

"I'm awake now. Don't need to argue with it." I grumpily told them as I wore my shirt with my eyes clothes.

"Have you hurt one dragon, master?"

"Stop calling me master, I'm not even a dragon rider." I opened my eyes and my head is spinning all over my view.

"Rhaenyra." I looked at my side but the princess wasn't there.

"Have you caught someone coming out of the dome?" I asked the dragon's keeper.

"No master, it was only you that I found here. Have you lost your way home last night?"

"Sort of. I need to go now." I told them where I put all over my clothes and quickly fled the dome but I heard the dragon's roar. Like they were rejoicing into something.

It was a stunning howl of the dragons ever since I stepped in here. Maybe there's someone who just laid their eggs, maybe it's Rhaenyra's but I don't know.

"Wonderful." I smiled and continued my way out.


I walked down as I finally reached the gates of the tower, however, the guards halted me. "Your purpose in entering the King's palace, Blackfyre."

"I came here to... give this back to the princess." I lied, I was worried and wanted to know if the princess got home safely by herself.

"It's already filthy and useless since you wore this. Fuck off, the royal family is not interested in you now." He is so rude yet I didn't put my care to him.

"If you can call the princess it would be fine by me, sire."

"Don't test my patient you rascal. I told you once, don't make me repeat it again to you."

"I'm asking you nicely, I don't understand your quick resentment towards me."

"Because you are the Cursed Targaryen, or rather a Cursed Blackfyre." Before I give him a nice lesson with my powerful punch, Alicent interrupted us.

"Alexa is my guest, you peasant. Go back to your post, the princess wishes her to come here."

"Forgive me, Lady Hightower."

"Don't seek forgiveness from me, say sorry to her. You're being rude to the princess's visitor."

The guard glared at me as I smirked at him. What a loser. "Forgive me, King's first daughter."

"I hope you have a nice retirement, my dear pal." I teased him and I know that Rhaenyra will exile him from his job.

"Thank you for saving me. Does Rhaenyra really expect me to come?" I murmured to Alicent.

"Forgive if I lied, Alexa. I just saw you at the entrance and the guards are picking on you."

"It's all fine, Alicent. May I please see Rhaenyra for a while?"

"Also, I want to ask something of you. I saw Rhaenyra coming back at the back door of the castle and she was deranged last night."

"What do you mind?"

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