The Uzumaki's

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Part Three

To Feel Despair

Chapter Sixty

The Uzumaki's

August 1, 2010

Cleaned up and cake free, Naruto, dressed in comfortable orange slacks and slightly formal white long sleeve, sat inside a party room adjacent to the now empty reception hall next to his equally tidy wife who had shed her wedding gown for a strapless lace-up gown he found incredibly distracting. Her sexy ensemble was a soft lavender that brought out the happy flush in cheeks saved from monotone by the dark purple floral pattern reminiscent of their whimsical wedding theme sewn into the fabric. It's Bandeau top molded to her plump breasts while the long skirt teased her toes. What got his pulse racing and his loins stirring was the back, it was fitted with a corset type crisscross that gave more than a peak of pearly skin and made his fingers itch to tug lose.

With his hand thrown across the back of her chair, he could help but stroke her tender flesh between the ties of silky material and with her long dark hair a sliding curtain along his wandering hand, he was more arouse than he probably should be at the moment.

Sure, he freely admitted he was a randy, horny pervert ready to horizontal tango with his Princess at the drop of a hat, but to be fair, he hadn't had full on, hot and sweaty sex in far too goddamn long.

He was stuck in a drought, stranded in the middle of the desert with a glistening lake just on the edge of a horizon he could never quite reach.

Naruto was dying for a sip, any drop of moisture he could get his hands on.

Luckily, he wasn't the only one parched.

His wife's delicate hand, obscured by the rounded gift table, stroked his inner thigh, knuckles brushing the heavy weight of his engorged sex. Every so often he'd feel her creeping caress climb his hard muscle, touching him just shy of coping a feel.

Not that he would mind if she flat out grabbed a handful.

He was just as eager to consummate their marriage as she was, more turned on than he had been the morning he proposed to her butt naked in the kitchen, and while his weeks long abstinence was a big part of his current sexual stirring, the culmination of today's main event far overshadowed mere physical need. His heart was aroused, his soul was wanting, his mind was awash in the heady reality that he had married the love of his life, and that, more than anything else, had him aching painfully.

He didn't know how he was gonna get up without giving his friends an exact imprint of his desire for Hinata Uzumaki, but he had a couple hours to figure that out.

They were waiting for the bulk of their out-of-town wedding guests to clear the roads before they officially began their honeymoon trip. In the estimated four hours that would take, Ino had arranged a private wedding shower for the newlyweds. The Uzumaki's were swamped with wedding gifts from well wishers, some more expensive than most homes, others simplistic and useful to a new household, but their friends had saved more personalized gifts for the shower.

In a corner of the reception hall, they'd set up a little presentation section. One table for the Uzumaki's to sit, a small stand in front of that table to display their offerings, rows of chairs for their friends in front of the stand, and off to the side, another table to place their opened gifts. The Konoha 12 and Sasuke, took their seats before the guests of honor, their platinum blonde host standing front and center, watching as the small group settled.

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