Insults, Exclamations and Phrases (Clans)

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| As easy as swallowing a minnow |

A phrase used to indicate easiness of the task.

| As much use as a dead fox |

A (harsh) insult, meaning the recipient is useless.

| Bees in your brain |

An exclamation meaning confusion or a cat not making sense. (i.e., You've got bees in your brain!)

| Buzzardfood |

Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. Used in The Sun Trail.

| Chickfeed |

Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. Used in The Sun Trail.

| Crowfood |

A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into crowfood!), or suggesting that they eat it (as in crowfood-eater).

| (You're) crazier than a fox in a fit! |

An insult used when a cat (or cats) are acting crazy. Another variation uses "madder" instead of "crazier." Lionblaze uses this to describe Ashfur.

| Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker |

An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. it didn't matter a whisker that she didn't share their beliefs) similar to I don't give a mousetail. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything.

| Doormouse |

An expression or exclamation used against a cat who sleeps a lot. Foxpaw is called this by Sandstorm in Eclipse.

| Drypaw |

A cat that dislikes getting wet, usually used in RiverClan.

| Dungface |

An (harsh) insult used in Thunder Rising.

| Like LionClan/TigerClan |

An expression stating that a cat does something very fiercely or well.

| Flea-brain |

A (friendly, yet harsh) insult. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone.

| Fishface/fishfur/fish-breath |

An insult used against RiverClan warriors, mainly appears in Bluestar's Prophecy.

| Frog-dung |

Same as fox-dung, except it's often used in RiverClan. Used in Crookedstar's Promise.

| Fox-dung |

A harsh insult comparing the recipient to fox feces. Also used as an exclamation. (as in That's fox-dung!)

| Fox-hearted |

An insult meaning cruel, cold-hearted, or evil (as in fox-hearted Twolegs).

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