The Cats of the Park

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The Cats of the Park is a group of cats who live in a park upriver to the Forest Territories. They appear in the bonus scene of Thunder Rising.

The Cats of the Park are a peaceful group of cats fed by Twolegs, and with their own customs of waking up, washing, eating, and meditating sessions, all learned from kithood.

They have a similar ranking system to the Clans, with ranks including kits, elders, and mentors.

They are very spiritual, acknowledging how life is easy for them and giving thanks for everything they have.

Each Morning, the group would perform a Call of Awakening, to welcome the new day. They face the light of the rising sun and raise their voices in caterwaul until the sun has cleared the Horizon.

They then turn away and begin to wash. In order, they wash their paws, face, ears, chest, belly, back and tail.

After they finish washing, they line up in an orderly line across the park for their Morning Meal.

They have their Morning Meal at the far side of the Park, where a row of bowls is set and Twolegs fill it with food every morning and evening.

They do not push and shove as they know there is enough for everyone. They do not gulp or gobble down the food, and each cat that is eating makes sure there is enough space for the cat beside them.

Afterwards, they would perform Morning Meditations on one boundary walls of the Park. They curl into a pose, paws tucked underneath and tail curled around them.

They focus on something such as a river or a tree. The Cats of the Park also have hunting sessions, catching mice they find in the grass.

The Park is a soft, grassy area broken by clumps of bushes and bright flowers that Twolegs planted, with trees that sometimes blossom, scattering the ground with tiny white petals shaped like stars.

Their sleeping places are under the bushes, filled with moss. At the edge of the park, is a row of bowls which Twolegs fill with food for the cats to eat.

Across the Park is one of the gray stone boundary walls where on the other side is a hill that falls away steeply to a riverthat ran between banks edged with thick vegetation.

It is unsafe for cats to go there as the drop is too long. There is also aThunderpath that passes the Park.

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