Medicine (Clans/Tribe)

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* Note: Do not use these remedies on domestic cats in real life. If your pet is injured or sick, see a veterinarian.

* A bold * = Extra information

| Medicines and Herbs |

| Alder Bark |

Description: Bark of the alder tree.

Location: Grows mainly in boggy, wet terrain.

Usage: For tooth pain.

Effect: Eases toothaches.

| Beech Leaves |

Description: Large, broad leaves that can be serrated, entire or sparsely toothed.

Location: Grows in almost any soil that is not waterlogged.

Usage: By ThunderClan medicine cats for carrying other herbs.

Effect: None.

| Bindweed |

Description: Arrow-head shaped leaves with pale white or pink trumpet shaped flowers.

Location: Grows almost anywhere.

Usage: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.

Effect: Unknown.

| Blackberry Leaves |

Description: Leaves from the prickly blackberry bush.

Location: Almost anywhere; they are very hardy plants.

Usage: These leaves are chewed into a pulp.

Effect: Eases the swelling of bee stings.

| Borage Leaves |

Description: It is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves.

Location: Grows best in forests.

Usage: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens.

Effect: It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.

| Broom |

Description: Shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers.

Location: Grows in ThunderClan's old territory.

Usage: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.

Effect: Unknown

| Burdock Root |

Description: Tall-stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves.

Location: Best in dry areas.

Usage: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp.

Effect: Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.

* This herb is used to help Tawnypelt's rat bite heal in Moonrise.

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