the leftovers.

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ACT TWOthe leftovers

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the leftovers.

ACT TWOthe leftovers

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    STEVE RAN A HAND down his face as he sighed, his eyes drooping downwards in obvious worry. He had been overthinking his plan for the past twenty minutes as he stared at the box of leftovers on the counter.

His dad had left forty minutes ago, going back to work after his dinner with Steve. Since then, Steve had been thinking of ways to take the leftovers over to Arlo.

He was worried about the boy, seeing as he hadn't been able to get a hold of him since the funeral. All his calls had been ignored, only making Steve's nerves worsen.

It was then that Steve straightened up from his previous position, grabbing the box as he mumbled a "Fuck it." Before heading out to his car, knowing he might regret his plan.

" Before heading out to his car, knowing he might regret his plan

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