Chapter 8: The Ritziest by far

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~ Alchemy Workshop ~

Sometime later at the Alchemy Workshop, Crowley, Holly, and the Rest of the Committee arrive to see the workshop, decorated differently. There are Jack-o'-Lanterns on shelves, along with some green slime at some locations in it, some transparent clothing, and other essentials like the Large Tank. This feels like a Mad scientist lab. Floyd greets everyone, he tells others the theme of their Halloween is mummies and mermaids as everyone looks around. Aquamarina appears next to her stepdad and he panics when he felt a pull on his sleeve. Aquamarina in her costume is Gatsby theme with her twin servants in their Gatsby, the Octavinelle Dorm members praise them as the girls explain about their scare zone: Haunted Gatsby Hotel near the beach. Holly was impressed at Aquamarina's brilliant idea of her Halloween costume and her scare zone that makes more scariest to never piss off mermaids living in the hotel near the beach. Everyone comments as they head to the next location to see Scarabia.

Floyd: (greet them) "Welcome! Check it out - Halloween, Octavinelle Style."

Kalim: "Goodness...this is eerie!"

Jack: "This Could Legitimately make kids cry."

Floyd: "Right?, If you think THAT'S somehtin' then Azul and Jade's costumes are gonna knock your socks off."

Azul: "Heh. Our Theme is...." (Speaks up)

Soon, Azul and Jaze walk out wearing their costumes. They're wearing what appears to be white suit jackets with black laces and black suits underneath and black belts. They are also wearing a white hat with a black ring around them, and the hat has a white ribbon on it with a bow. Aquamarina, Kara blushed at their boyfriend's costume, poor Aquamarina, she got Octopus black ink nosebleed as she see Azul wearing a body harness on his chest that made the Turquoise blue-haired faces turn Red like crabs. Holly fan Aquamarina for her fainting from the excitement of her boyfriend's costume. The boy sweatdrop at the girls for being too craziness and hilarious, Crowley panicked over Aquamarina fainting as he complained about her father going to fry him with a lightning strike.

Azul: (adds) "The Mummified."

Jade: "I think calling them 'Mummies' would make it more intuitive. Since Azul and I are both Halloween management committee members this year... We decided to go with the opposite of a merman for our costumes - a completely dried-out mummy."

Floyd: (happily) "It's somethin' you could never pull off under the sea, so I'm totally on board with this."

Azul: "Mm. But it's hardly fun simply winding bandages around ourselves. So we decided to modernize the outdated mummy look into something more stylish."

Jade: "As for our decor, it is intended to resemble a mad scientist's laboratory, The vats in the back are supposed to look like cultivation tanks. They light up at night. We thought putting in some creepy mannequins would add to the atmosphere."

Kalim: (surprised) "Whoa... This is put together incredibly well."

Azul: "You have an eye for quality, Kalim. I supposed I shouldn't be surprised that a wealthy heir would. We had the costumes, the tanks, and everything else made professionally, by only the best. After all, we have another pressing concern that the rest of the dorms don't... Namely, the Monstro Lounge's Halloween menu."

Idia: (Little Dumbfounded) "Dude..."

Kalim: "Wait, I thought all dorms would have the same budget for costumes and sets."

Crowley: "They do. Making the most of limited resources is part of the school experience. I don't want any funny business with students spending money out of pocket, exceeding their budget, or otherwise circumventing the rules. Jade Leech is the student treasurer, and I've had to keep a close eye out for any such transgression."

Twisted Wonderland Event: A Twisted Halloween (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now