Chapter 13: Follow My Lead!

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~ Fairies of Eden: Holly's room ~

Holly was searching for Grim costumes when they finished decorating the living room. she used her magic to check which costume suits for Grim were too hilarious or embarrassing to say. As she was about to give up, she heard a knock, she used her vampiric power to see a girl who was also the same age as her but she had a reddish color that reached to her tailbone length, her big eyes were color of dark brown eyes, she wears that looks like ragged dress that reaches to her knee high, but she doesn't look human to but her appearance can be deceiving as her skin is very pale with stitches all over her body. Holly decides to open the door for the new guest. Holly went downstairs and opened the door to meet the girl this took her by surprise when she saw her features. the girl is timid as she asks Holly if she sees a boy who is her fiance and boyfriend. She loses track of him as he goes to Sage Island stores and gets lost with their pet dog, whom he names Zero. the girl revealed her name, Susie Doll. She went in and sat down in the living room, Grim came down as he saw the mysterious Girl sitting on the couch, drinking black tea. the ghosts come to check on the duo and meet the girl, they bow down to her like she is royalty, she reveals that she and her boyfriend are getting married when they congrats the third year and become king and queen of Halloweentown like the story of Pumpkin king and the Girl going to be pumpkin queen. the king where Prince Jonathan is the descendent of Pumpkin King himself, Jack Skellington becomes the future king of Halloweentown where ghosts and ghouls live amok them. this made Holly and Grim stunned to see the girl is actually from another town. Holly smiled as she also the princess of the seven kingdoms, she bowed to Susie. Holly knows Soleil isn't here because she went with Rose to help out with the garden theme.

Grim: "There we go. This room's finally all decorated! these lamp things made outta pumpkins...what're they called again? Jack-o'-Lanterns? At first, I thought the whole idea of using food as a light source was kinda nuts. but when I tried makin' one for myself, I had so much fun, I just had to keep going. Check it out! That pumpkin came out lookin' just like you, see? Mya ha ha!"

Sebastian: "Good morning, friends! it's finally time for Halloween week, huh?"

Grim: "Yup! I'm about to join my minion and check up on things around the campus. Let's get this show on the —"

Ghosts: "NOT SO FAST!"

Grim: "Myah?!" (jumpscare)

Sebastian: "Hee hee hee..."

Ghosts: "HEEEEE hee hee hee hee!"

Grim: (shaken) "Hey, what's goin' on here? what's with the creepy grins?"

Sebastian: "Well, you see... we've got a present for you and Soleil?

Grim: "Oh yeah?" (confused, suspicious one of the ghosts)

Sebastian: "Hee hee hee...Here!" (show Grim and Holly, Halloween costumes for Grim and Soleil)

Holly: (excited) "OMG, you guys did this!!!! this is so amazing!!! Grim try it on!"

Grim: "Myaaah!"

~ Grim put it on his Halloween costume~

Grim: (happily and amazed) "Oh...Ohh...OHHHHHH! Myahah! An almighty Halloween Costume for the almighty Grim! how do I look, Yuu?! Don't I look cool?"

Holly: (her eyes shine with happiness) "Lookin' cool, Grim!!!"

Grim: "Myahaha! Yes, yes, I expected that to be your answer you don't look as great as me, but you're not looking half-bad, either!"

Sebastian: "Hee hee hee. it's a costume of a great mage!"

Robbie: "We heard from your friends and your sisters that Fairies of Eden was the only dorm that hadn't prepared costumes."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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Twisted Wonderland Event: A Twisted Halloween (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now