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hey, y'all small authors note. just little update on life etc. -A. 🖤 song above rip takeoff <3 🕊️


The night was young and Y/N had just finished setting up for her boyfriend the number eight and most liked hero. It was another Thursday night and meetings were always at 7:30 PM, Y/N was always in charge of setting up and received many compliments on it.

So, after awhile and some convincing she took over setting up for meetings. It ended becoming apart of her routine. There were times when Y/N found herself being taken advantage of and then being put into a position where she couldn't say no. It wasn't frequent but it started that Thursday.

It was 7:15 PM and many familiar hero's arrived to the meeting room located by the restrooms of the hero agency. The familiar steps of usual hero's reminded Y/N of how she used to stare in awe of the many people who were here to protect and serve. Now it just feels different. The atmosphere shifted and so did the attitude of the hero's.

There was an attack that happened in NYC and it took every hero in every borough to help. Roman, Flash, Star and Danger the more lesser know hero's in other boroughs.

Soon, it was 7:30 PM and the meeting room was full. Y/N walked out and left her—boyfriend to do what he did best and that was inspire others. After shutting the door Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes.

She dusted herself off after cleaning and preparing the room and headed home for the night. She headed for the grey double doors by the restrooms to head to her office. Of course she needed her own office being here so long. Y/N had been by her boyfriends side for years and hasn't yet seen a ring on her finger. Y/N had longed for him to make the move. Yet he never did Y/N eventually gave up. One thing Y/N wasn't about to do was wait, or even force anyone to marry her or drop hints. It just wasn't her and she knew she was worth more but didn't have the strength to leave him. After all he was buying her everything and spoiling her sure Y/N made her own money but she never got the chance to use it on herself since he always took care of her.

It seemed things at home just got worse, fights were almost everyday and it never seemed to stop. The abuse followed right after it was hard situation and Y/N found her still loving the same man who has caused her so much pain. They were together for almost seven years. Still it felt like yesterday Y/N was falling head over heels for him.

That flame, passion, intense love, trust, communication all became love bombing, manipulation, deceit and lies and built over what you ask? A cheap sliver promise ring. That seemed to null Y/N over multiple times like Meredith and Derek to a damn Post-It note. It always seemed to make things okay, like all the slapping, punching, biting, kicking, and pushing her down stairs was worth it.

All the shame, abuse, lack of dignity and humiliation was left at home and Y/N had to transform into someone else, every Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM every time. Weekends were just as bad for Y/N if not worse.

Y/N sometimes spent the better part of her days, covering her face with makeup and lash extensions to hide the healing bruises, cuts, swollen lip and cheek. It was sometimes hard to hide when many would tell her boyfriend at the time. She would lie and many would believe with the help of her low IQ boyfriend.

It was also on this day where Y/N left the Bronx. She cleaned her office and told everyone it was because she was redecorating meanwhile it was being shipped to her new house in Japan. They asked about her car, her blue 2019 BMW she sold it for fifteen thousand and saved up the money for moving and more. It was the huge expense and since she made her own money. Why not secretly plan your escape while slowly getting rid of everything and fooling everyone. Especially the root of why you're doing it in the first place. Y/N at first had qualms about leaving but the help of her very close family and friends she was able to do it. If not for the many people backing her things would've taken a different turn.

It all felt like she was in a movie but it all became reality when she removed that cheap ass turning green in the neck ring. It came crashing down every emotion, every wall she had up until this moment she knew she didn't have much time. The meeting ended at 8:45 always so 1 hour and 15 minutes all seemed like seconds. Everything was shipped today, she kept track of it all, sold what she couldn't take and gave what she didn't need anymore.

The ring laid in the kitchen with nothing but itself there was no note, no final goodbye or threat or even payback. It was simply her vanishing into the dark. All traces of what once was a happy, loving and peaceful relationship suddenly was uprooted and became a toxic, love bombing, abusing and exhausting relationship. Terror behind closed doors and to others a loving, doting wife to the public.

It all seemed so easy and calculated but was slightly miscalculated was the apple tracker he had placed in her favorite suitcase because he suspected she was cheating when in reality she was at UPS sending her belongings to Japan in time for her new apartment. It was all something Y/N hadn't thought of otherwise she would be safe and forgotten about by him but it was too late. He already found out and let her leave so he can only come back when she was doing well and destroy it instantly. To what seemed like a perfect plan became the plans for something much more sinister.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!! i'm so sorry for taking awhile waaay tooo much happening. i'm getting it together tho so don't worry. i am almost done with this semester i am so happy for that and next month is my 22nd birthday and I want all the BS in november to be dealt with asap! so i hope you all enjoy, i will editing soon sorry it's kinda short i had sorta had a shif— anyways, i love u all thank  U so much for rocking with me this means everything to me that everyone looks forward to me updating, y'all make me wanna cry! i will be updating No Guidance soon! this is vvv long. Goodnight! <3 -A. 🖤 also, p.s. will be a pt.2 to this btw.

edited 11/28/22!

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