Chapter |3| Stay Away

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K A I ' S P.O.V

"Emery." I mumble. "Emery. Emery Grayson. Fuck, Emery. Shit, I'm screwed."

"What the hell do you keep mumbling?" Kiara complains, shoving crisps into her mouth.

Every so often she feeds her husband and he sucks the left over crisp residue off her fingers, staring into her eyes in the most creepy fucking way whilst she sighs in content, smiling.

"Emery." I say it louder so they hear.

"The doctor?" Aaron replies, gesturing for more food. Kiara obliges and I grimace, quickly looking away.

My head throbs, the pain and impact of being shot finally catching up with me. We stopped at a convenience store on the way. I grabbed some pills and whiskey even though Kiara warned me not too. The combination was good at the time. Now not so much.

"I think I'm gonna hurl." I groan, clutching my stomach.

"Don't even fucking think about." They both growl. Of course, they pride their leather seats over my health.

"So what about Emery?"

"She was pretty." I slur, my head whacking the window.

"She was." My sister agrees and then eyes me carefully. "What did you do when we weren't there? Did you kiss her?" I think about sucking the blood off her lips.

I kissed because of different reasons. One, a distraction from her intruding thoughts, two, to flirt with her and for some reason, and three I did it because I thought she was in pain.

Part of me just wanted to soothe her, ease what angst she was suffering from.

I saw the blood, her broken skin, and wanted to fix it. To heal her.

What a stupid fucking thought because she was definitely freaked out by it, but it wasn't a kiss. Not a real one like I dream of planting on her now.

"No. We just talked, but it was nice to talk her."

"You're telling me you actually talked to a girl without the intention of fucking her?"

"Of course I wanted to fuck her." I still can't get the image of her pouted red lips latched around my cock out of my head. "It just wasn't the basis of our conversation. Sure there was flirting but it was just different."

"Maybe you should ask her out?" Kiara says hopefully. I smile but for some reason fear creeps it.

I've never been the guy you bring home to meet your parents. Nor have I wanted too. I know I don't just want to fuck Emery, I want to talk to her again. She makes say things I don't ever let out.

Why? No fucking clue but that's what I want to find out.

"I gave her my phone so if she calls then..." the car screeches to a halt as Aaron slams on the brake.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Kiara exclaims, and both of them turn in their seats, fixing their sharp glares on me.

"Did getting shot effect your brain?" Aaron adds.

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